The UEMOA countries at the school of tax practices

by time news

2023-09-07 07:43:52

Following the directives of the Council of Statutory Ministers of the Union, the WAEMU Commission proceeded, on Monday, September 4, 2023, to the opening of the seminar for the sharing of experiences in the mobilization of tax revenues between the Member States. It is a meeting that benefits from the expertise of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other institutions.
Banking on a rate of tax pressure of at least 20% at the community level, to exceed the average rate of tax pressure of the Union estimated at 13.8% in 2022, the WAEMU Commission, in accordance with the orientation of the statutory Council of Ministers, opts for the sharing of experiences. To do this, the community institution has been bringing together since Monday, September 04, 2023, the member countries at a seminar to share experiences in the mobilization of tax revenues between the States. Scheduled to last five (05) days, this workshop which mobilizes the representatives of the Member States and the executives of the WAEMU Commission addresses themes relating to the harmonization of tax and customs legislation within the Union in connection with optimal mobilization of tax revenues. This, with the support of experts and resource persons from the Public Finance Department of the International Monetary Fund, the Circle of Reflection and Exchange of Tax Administration Leaders as well as the Foundation for Studies and Research on International Development . Based on international experiences, and those of Senegal, the participants in this workshop will identify good practices for an ideal collection of tax revenues. Recalling on the occasion that the meeting is an orientation of the Statutory Council of Ministers, Mahamadou Gado, Commissioner in charge of the Department of Economic Policies and Internal Taxation, advanced the positive results obtained following the reforms undertaken in the Union . However, the community objective of a tax rate of at least 20% has not yet been achieved. The Union’s average rate of fiscal pressure is 13.8% in 2022. “We are however delighted that for some States, the results are significant, in particular Senegal with 18.2% followed by Burkina with 16.3% », underlined Mahamadou GADO. This is when the Technical Advisor to the Minister of Finance and Budget, Bassirou SARR, will intervene. Insisting on the importance of this meeting, “the mobilization of internal revenues constitutes a permanent challenge for our States as attested so well by the constant pressure exerted on the customs and tax forecasts throughout the budgetary cycle”, will he confided before urging the services responsible for collecting these resources to carry out their mission with rigor and professionalism. Please note that the meeting ends on Saturday September 9, 2023.

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QA September 7, 2023

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