The Ukrainian army shows the world’s first air battle between two anti-aircraft vehicles

by time news

There is evidence that for the first time in the history of military aviation, an air battle between two unmanned aircraft took place in the skies of Ukraine.

on social networks raised the army of Ukraine A 16-second video shot from a Chinese-made Ukrainian UAV, a quad-copter type DJI MAVERIC in front of which flies a Russian quad-copter, approaching the Ukrainian drone, apparently with the aim of colliding with it and shooting it down. However, the Russian vehicle loses one of its four engines and dives to the ground. The incident apparently took place over the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine.

experts WAR ZONE It is said that it is not clear from the video if the two UAVs were operated remotely by human operators, and that the Russian UAV was apparently ‘defeated’ in the air battle and brought down to the ground.

This is probably the first evidence of aerial combat between unmanned aerial vehicles. Previous news was published that in this war, the Ukrainians operated an anti-tank missile in an interception mission as hostile anti-tank missiles of the Russians, and the interception was supposed to be carried out by a collision between the two vessels.

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