The Ukrainian flag planted on the eastern bank of the Dnipro, the Russians push into the Donbass –

by time news

In the military notebook scattered signals. Keep an eye on the weather conditions: in some areas the mud dominates but in others the frozen ground and facilitates the crawlers. Then there is the analysis of American espionage on the progress of the crisis

In the military notebook scattered signalswith moves of Ukraine to the east bank of the Dnipro and the analysis of American espionage on the progress of the crisis.

The Ukrainian special unit Karlson accomplished a raid aboard dinghies along the river which in the south effectively divides the two sides. The commandos landed on the left bank and raised their flag on a crane. A challenge action that also serves as a test to test the area. A replay of what happened in the Kinburn peninsula, west of Kherson, with a landing of major forces, a maneuver on which conflicting reports have circulated. The resistance continued to target the opponents from afar who stood at 20-30 kilometers from the watercourse. Instead, the invaders have reinvigorated attacks in the eastern regions, with reported bombings around Kharkiv, Kramatorsk and Donetsk. Keep an eye on the weather conditions: in some areas the mud dominates but in others the frozen ground and this could facilitate the intervention of the tanks.

Speaking at the Reagan Defense Forum in Simi, California, the US intelligence director Avril Haines has offered some insights, however cautious assessments.

1) The contenders fight but meanwhile they reorganize to regain the initiative with greater vigor.

2) The occupants cconsume large numbers of artillery ammunition (20,000 a day, according to the Pentagon) and the national industry is unable to keep up with demand. In fact, Moscow is turning to friends abroad (North Korea?). We should add that NATO also has a supply/supply problem, Washington has just signed a contract for the construction of other Himars and Germany will send another 7 Gepard with anti-aircraft cannons (very effective) but they will only be available in the spring.

3) Washington quite optimistic on the prospects of Ukraine.

4) The Kremlin was surprised by the behavior of the troops in the first phase of the invasion, now the leader aware of the challenge that awaits him even if it is not clear to what extent he has a precise picture.

In this regard it will be interesting see if really Vladimir Putin will decide to pay a visit to Donbass. His spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, spoke of this hypothesis, a trip that would also have a political meaning to reaffirm the importance of controlling the occupied areas. Understanding the parallel activity of senior officials. Defense Minister Shoigu flew to Minsk to sign a new military agreement with Belarus, a country that plays a rearguard role and forces Kiev to be on guard. According to some sources, it would be A center reserved for Russian mobilized troops has been active for some time in the locality of Lyepyel. Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin, on the other hand, was in Tehran for talks with military leaders, contacts that bring attention to Iran’s sale of drones and missiles.

December 4, 2022 (change December 4, 2022 | 5:31 pm)

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