The Ultimate Guide: Understanding the Different Sides of Aluminum Foil

by time news

Reynold’s, the leading aluminum foil manufacturer, has finally settled the age-old debate over which side of aluminum foil should be used for specific cooking purposes. For years, people have debated whether the shiny side or the dull side of aluminum foil should be used when wrapping food or lining baking sheets.

The company took to social media to share their official stance on the matter. According to Reynold’s, there is no real difference between the two sides. Both sides of the aluminum foil perform the same when it comes to cooking and food storage. The shiny and dull sides are the result of the manufacturing process and do not affect the foil’s functionality.

Reynold’s clarified that the only time the side of the foil matters is when it comes to non-stick properties. The company’s non-stick foil has a coating on one side, which should be placed facing the food to prevent sticking, while the dull side should face out.

The announcement has put an end to the long-standing debate and has provided clarity to consumers who have been unsure of which side to use. Many social media users have expressed their relief at finally getting an answer to this common kitchen dilemma.

With Reynold’s official statement, consumers can now confidently use aluminum foil knowing that both sides are equally effective for their cooking and food storage needs. This revelation has put an end to the confusion and uncertainty that has surrounded the use of aluminum foil for many years.

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