The ultimatum of the ultra-Orthodox: “Without a passage of overcoming – we will not accept the president’s outline”

by time news

With President Yitzhak Herzog’s announcement that the legal organizations are closer than ever to the possibility of an agreed outline, it appears that the passage of overcoming – which has become a banner of the ultra-orthodox parties – is apparently left out. In a conversation with a senior member of Torah Judaism, he clarifies that under these conditions, they will not be able to agree to the president’s outline.

The representatives of the legal organizations that drafted the reform prefer to leave the paragraph out, since they want to deal with laws before they are invalidated and not after. However, the ultra-Orthodox’s insistence on making sure that the next conscription law to be enacted is not invalidated by the judges of the High Court of Justice, led to the ultimatum set by the people of Agudat Israel and Torah Judaism: “Without a passage on empowerment, we will not be able to accept the president’s outline,” says a senior member of the party. The scenario in which a break was taken out of the agreements.

The heads of the coalition and the architects of the reform are familiar with the insistence on a surrogacy clause, who prefer, as mentioned, to invest effort in other clauses that they claim will lead to the same arrangement. But even with other protections for the conscription law planned to be included in the president’s outline, right now the ultra-Orthodox refuse to give up the strengthening clause, which has already passed the first reading in the constitutional committee and is expected to reach the plenary next week.

Only when the legislation was frozen three weeks ago in favor of negotiations for a compromise, MK Moshe Gafni clarified that they did not agree to freeze the enhancement clause “in any way”. Moreover, they demand immediate legislation. Minister Goldknopf, chairman of Torah Judaism, sent a letter to Minister Yariv Levin Bo claimed that “advancement of the bill on the escalation clause was a clear and unequivocal condition for our entry into the coalition. I intend to uphold this obligation and therefore make sure that the government intends to stand behind this obligation, agreements must be respected.”

In the meantime, MK Simcha Rothman summoned the Constitution Committee chaired by him to continue a series of discussions for four days next week, including preparation for the second and third readings of a Basic Law: the Judiciary – changing the composition of the Committee for the Appointment of Judges and preventing judicial review of Basic Laws.

Yesterday, the chairman of Yesh Atid and the chairman of the opposition, Yair Lapid, and the chairman of the state camp, Benny Gantz, refused President Herzog’s efforts to reach a compromise – until the legislation of reform laws in the judicial system is not completely stopped. political.

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