the ultimatum set by ECOWAS has come to an end, the country’s airspace closed “in the face of the threat of intervention”

by time news

2023-08-07 01:04:45
Supporters of the putschists in Niger wave Russian and Nigerien flags during a demonstration in Niamey, August 6, 2023. – / AFP

The soldiers who took power in Niamey announced, on Sunday evening August 6, the closure of Niger’s airspace, a few hours before the expiration of the ultimatum set by the Economic Community of African States of the West (ECOWAS) to restore the ousted president, Mohamed Bazoum, to his post.

“Faced with the threat of intervention which is becoming clearer from neighboring countries, Niger’s airspace is closed as of this day, Sunday. (…) until further notice “said a press release stating that “any attempt to violate the airspace” will cause “an energetic and instantaneous response”.

In another press release, the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland (CNSP, which took power) affirms that a “pre-deployment for the preparation of the intervention has been initiated in two Central African countries”without specifying which ones. “Any State involved will be considered as co-belligerent”he adds.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou, Prime Minister of Nigerien President Bazoum: “It’s not a coup, but a whim! »

Niger’s land and air borders with five neighboring countries were reopened on August 2, nearly a week after they were closed during the July 26 coup that overthrew elected President Mohamed Bazoum. These countries were Algeria, Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali and Chad.

No will to give way

The ultimatum – it was transmitted on July 30 by ECOWAS to the soldiers who took power and demands that President Bazoum be reinstated in his functions, under penalty of armed intervention – expired at midnight, Niamey time (1 morning hour, Monday, in Paris). But the putschists showed no willingness to give way.

The contours of the force to be mobilized for a possible military intervention have been “defined” Friday by the Chiefs of Staff of ECOWAS and some armies, such as those of Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire, said they were ready to participate.

“We condemn the coup attempt in Niger which constitutes a serious threat to peace and security in the sub-region”, Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara said on Sunday evening. He judged ” essential “ of to restore constitutional order [à Niamey] » and of “allow the democratically elected President Bazoum to exercise his functions freely”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Niger, the risk of an unprecedented military confrontation between the countries of West Africa

This position is identical to that of France, which said it supported “with firmness and determination” the efforts of ECOWAS, considering that it was going “of the future of Niger and the stability of the whole region”.

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In Mali and Burkina Faso, faced with jihadist violence like Niger, the putschist soldiers warned that they would stand in solidarity with their neighbor and that any military intervention would be considered “a declaration of war” against them.

Sunday evening, nearly 30,000 supporters of the military coup gathered in a stadium in Niamey, noted journalists from Agence France-Presse. A delegation of CNSP members arrived at the compound to the cheers of its supporters, many of whom carried Russian flags and portraits of the new leaders.

Read also: Nigeria: voices raised against military intervention in Niger

The World with AFP

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