The ultra-Orthodox’s secret meetings with Bennett and Lapid

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Are there secret contacts between Prime Ministers Bennett and Lapid and the ultra-Orthodox politicians? According to the evening (Sunday) publication by Amit Segal, contacts have recently begun with the father-in-law of the Rebbe of Gur.

According to the publication, the father-in-law of the Rebbe of Gur – Yitzhak Shapira, the son of the mythological Knesset member Avraham Munia Shapira, a representative of the Gur Hasidism in the Knesset – for many years, recently had contacts.

In recent months, Shapira has held a series of meetings with Foreign Minister Lapid and also with Prime Minister Bennett’s chief of staff, under his leadership was the proposal to freeze legislation against the ultra-Orthodox (and at the top of the list – cellular reform – very important to Rebbe Magor. In exchange for a promise from a safety net to the government, which has recently begun to creak.

Shapira, according to the report, claimed to Bennett and Lapid that he was coming not only on behalf of the Rebbe of Gur, but on behalf of several rabbis and rebbes.

According to Segal’s report, Aryeh Deri clarified about these contacts, that they approached him with this offer a few weeks ago. But he decided to reject her outright – and so did Gafni.

Several months ago: Senior government officials at Yitzhak Shapira’s home

Deri explained to his associates – why he rejected the proposal: “We are determined to overthrow this evil government. Regarding Agudat Israel – that they will explain themselves.”

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Journalist Yaakov Rivlin responded to Segal’s publication and said: “Yitzhak Shapira’s talks with Lapid have the same value as Lapid’s talks with the US Secretary of State. Noise and ringing. If anyone thinks that Shas and Torah Judaism will agree to negotiate with the government To freeze the reform of kosher telephones – still alive in the days when the central faction managed ultra-Orthodox Judaism. Those days are over. “

Yossi Alitov also responded, saying: “The honor of Rabbi Yitzchak Shapira is in his place. But his ability to pave the way for ultra-Orthodox support in the government is the same as Job’s ability to bring about a peace agreement between Israel and Iran.”

As reported in Kikar Hashabat, last Sukkot holiday, in the shadow of the ultra-Orthodox boycott of the incumbent government: The ultra-Orthodox businessman Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, an associate of the Rebbe of Gur, hosted senior government officials for the celebration of Beit Hashoeva in his Tel Aviv sukkah.

The event was attended by Defense Minister Bnei Gantz, Minister of Internal Security Omer Bar-Lev, Shas MKs Moshe Abutbul and Moshe Arbel, Civil Service Commissioner Professor Daniel Hershkovitz, World Zionist Organization Chairman and Jewish Agency Chairman Yaakov Hagoel and others.

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