The UN conference in Kunming speaks about species protection

by time news

UAs usual, N-Secretary General António Guterres chose rousing words to kick off the UN biodiversity conference in the southern Chinese city of Kunming. “We are losing our suicidal war on nature,” he said. The conference, which lasts until Friday, is “our chance for a ceasefire”. According to him, more than a million plant and animal species could become extinct in the next ten years.

Friederike Böge

Political correspondent for China, North Korea and Mongolia.

However, the meeting started out far less ambitious than originally planned. Because of the pandemic, it was split into two parts. The crucial negotiations on a framework agreement with specific goals for the next decade were postponed to April and May 2022. This week’s gathering is almost entirely virtual.

China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping said in a video message on Tuesday the equivalent of 200 million euros for measures to protect species in developing countries. Concerns arose that China wanted to create its own fund instead of making the money available to the existing funds for such purposes. Xi Jinping also referred to the expansion of national parks and other protected areas in China. Its area of ​​230,000 square kilometers covers “almost 30 percent of the protected species living on land,” he said, according to the state media.

None of Aichi’s 20 goals were fully achieved

In doing so, Xi did not commit himself to the goal, promoted by environmental protection organizations and supported by some states, of placing 30 percent of land and sea areas under protection by the year 2030. But that wasn’t expected either. Until the preliminary negotiations in Switzerland in January, many countries are keeping a low profile. The broad range of topics includes, among other things, the use of pesticides and instruments for financing development in line with species protection.

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For the first time, the Kunming Process gives China the opportunity to make a name for itself as the host of a UN Conference of the Parties. However, Beijing is unlikely to have any interest in the adoption of particularly ambitious goals during its presidency. Because if the goals are not achieved by 2030, the name Kunming would be associated with failure.


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