The uncomfortable interview of Pablo Motos with Pedro Sánchez in ‘El Hormiguero’

by time news

2023-06-28 01:27:02

“How about president?” Pablo Motos started cordially. «I am delighted to be here. Do you know that today you celebrate 1879 programs on this chain? And it is the year in which what is now the PSOE was founded, ”Pedro Sánchez replied, stating that he was “looking forward to” the interview. “He really wanted to for a long time,” he commented. The presenter was ironic. “Seven years ago he wanted to?” He joked. After revealing that he weighs 74 kilos, the government leader stated that he loves to play sports, “especially cycling on weekends and, during the week, some weights, running… For politics and the stress we have, sport is essential », he maintained.

Motos went to the point asking him about the electoral advance. «How many times have you criticized politicians for not assuming their electoral results? I did it on May 28. And not because the PSOE had a very significant electoral erosion, but because we went back a lot institutionally », he summarized. And he counterattacked: «Call me rude, but I think those who criticize me for doing it would also have criticized me if I didn’t do it because the evil ‘Sanchismo’, this seven-headed monster that some have invented, only does evil ».

In Sánchez’s latest statements, his criticism pointed to ‘El Hormiguero’, although without citing him. “What program were you referring to?” Motos questioned. “I am not going to point to any program or any journalist,” replied the aforementioned. And the communicator needed. «Maximum audience programs that do talk shows are ‘El Hormiguero’ and ‘Survivientes’, and I have reviewed ‘Survivientes’ and there is nothing there». Sánchez threw balls out. «What I have indicated is the following, and I quote Felipe González, he said that public opinion is not the same as published opinion. There is a brutal imbalance. Now ninety percent of these programs are conservative in orientation,’ he argued.

swollen bubble

“The media are the same as four years ago, when you won,” Motos added. And his interviewee qualified: «But a bubble has inflated that has been called ‘Sanchismo’, precisely not to mention what we have done in these five years. I have always tried to govern for everyone. Opinion is one thing and facts are another. And what cannot be done is what some programs have done: Say that I have called the elections on July 23 because I want to alter the result and, therefore, I am committing electoral fraud. It is such a serious accusation that it needs to be debated and contrasted.

The presenter assumed: “That was said by Juan del Val in a gathering of this program.” And Sánchez defended himself: «Opinions are free, but this accusation is very serious. In these last 24 hours, the media have said that I am a Trumpist, they have equated me with the leader of the mercenaries who have revolted against Putin, and I am not talking about the leader of the opposition who has come to say that I am the cause of the unfortunate death of a worker due to the heat wave. I do not recognize myself in many things that are said in these programs.

To try to specify and achieve brief answers, Motos used complicity. “From presenter to presenter…”, he said with a certain joke. “I am not a presenter,” pointed out the illustrious guest. And his interlocutor insisted: “Man, I have seen him presenting a program.” Sánchez returned to humor. “We could have signed someone better, but we signed the cheapest,” he finished. Then Motos returned to the president’s statements that pointed to his program.


«I have made self-criticism and I have seen that in our program there is a decompensation, as you say, but to the left«, he maintained. And he added: «The only thing I want to tell you on this subject is that a person can be progressive and criticize you. How Juan Luis Cebrián, Felipe González, Alfonso Guerra or Juan Alberto Belloch have done ». The politician rebutted. «And there are other progressive leaders who have said good things about me, but that does not matter, if the opinion is free. If I do not enter into that, I say that there is a disproportion in the gatherings », he reiterated.

Another subject. «You told Alsina that you are not lying, that you are changing your position. Don’t you think that twisting the words to say basically the same thing can cause people to think that they are being fooled?” asked the host. “I’m sorry if that’s the case. Did Adolfo Suárez lie when he said that he was not going to legalize the PCE and then did it? Did Felipe González lie when he said no to NATO and then yes? That’s not lying, it’s rectifying. And they did it well. Lying, for me, is knowing on March 11 that ETA is not behind an attack and, even so, saying so », he replied.

The situation in Catalonia starred in another part of the talk, as well as the law of yes is yes. «I feel full responsibility for the prisoners who have reduced their sentences and have taken to the streets. I assume that responsibility in the first person and I have apologized. We made a mistake and we have solved it, “commented the president. Motos wanted to know if he was going to let Feijóo govern if he won the elections, avoiding a PP pact with VOX. “First, I am going to win the elections, we are going to be the first political force and we are going to have more seats. I go out for it. Although maybe I don’t have the vote of someone who is sitting at this table, “the socialist ironized.

Comparison of Yolanda Díaz with Abascal

Motos frowned. “Do not say that. The last two times there have been elections I didn’t vote because I was interviewing candidates and I don’t want to interview a person and then vote for them. This year I will not do it either, “discovered the presenter who persevered in knowing what Sánchez would do if he wins the PP. “I tell you with all due respect, I would not compare Yolanda Diaz with Santiago Abascal,” warned the general secretary of the PSE. Motos was then pointing to Irene Montero. “I am not going to question the work of a minister of our Government,” the guest avoided.

“The Secretary of State for Equality said that Spanish men are quite rapists,” Motos launched. «I do not feel reflected at all with these statements. I believe that the differences that I have had with Minister Montero on these issues are public and notorious. What’s more, I have assumed in first person as President of the Government that mistake. But from then on, I have always put institutional stability first », she remarked.

Trancas and Barrancas had just three minutes to talk with the leader of the Executive who was asked if he was more from Shakira or Piqué. “I don’t get wet in that,” he dodged. The ants invited him to imagine what he would do if his daughter fell in love with a boy from VOX. “Love is free,” Sánchez declared. And when they investigated his stage as a basketball player, the president used comedy. “He was a forward. Ale go for this, ale, for the other… I was on the bench all the time », he settled.

#uncomfortable #interview #Pablo #Motos #Pedro #Sánchez #Hormiguero

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