The Unexplained Phenomenon: Orcas Damaging Boats in the Strait of Gibraltar

by time news

Killer Whales Sink Polish Yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar

In yet another incident of aggression by orcas, a pod of killer whales recently attacked a Polish yacht sailing in the Strait of Gibraltar. The attack lasted for 45 minutes, resulting in severe damage to the boat’s rudder. Despite efforts to rescue the vessel, it ultimately sank near the Moroccan port of Tanger Med.

Fortunately, the crew of the yacht managed to escape unharmed. The Polish tour company, Morskie Mile, confirmed the safety of the crew in a Facebook post detailing the incident.

This attack is just one of many that have occurred since 2020 in the Strait of Gibraltar and along the Iberian Peninsula. Orcas have been wreaking havoc on boats and yachts, leaving maritime experts and scientists puzzled.

According to a recent study in 2022, sailboats appear to be the primary targets of these orca attacks, although fishing vessels and motorboats have also had their share of encounters. The tour agency, Morskie Mile, has yet to provide any comment or explanation regarding the incident.

The motives behind these attacks remain unclear. Some scientists argue against referring to these incidents as “attacks” altogether, emphasizing the lack of understanding regarding the whales’ intentions. They fear that perpetuating the notion of revenge-seeking whales may lead to retaliatory actions by boaters.

A group of over 30 scientists released an open letter this summer, urging the media and the public to avoid projecting narratives onto these animals. They emphasize the need for further evidence before assumptions can be made about the motivations of these orcas.

What is known, however, is that orcas are highly intelligent marine mammals capable of learning from each other. Their learned behavior typically revolves around hunting strategies, such as herding and consuming large blue whales. However, there have been instances where orcas in Seattle were observed wearing dead salmon as “hats,” indicating their potential susceptibility to cultural trends.

While orcas pose little threat to humans, we pose a significant threat to their survival. These whales are already considered critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with an estimated population of fewer than 40 individuals off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Incidents of entanglement in fishing gear and collisions with speeding boats pose a grave danger to their existence.

The recent attack on the Polish yacht serves as a reminder of the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these magnificent creatures from further harm. Understanding and addressing the root causes behind their aggressive behavior is essential to minimize conflicts between orcas and human activities in their habitats.

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