The unfortunate threat from Sergio Gutiérrez Luna to INE advisor Martín Faz that Noroña did not let pass

by times news cr

Sergio Gutiérrez Luna threatened the INE counselor, Martín Faz, and the senator-elect Gerardo Fernandez Norona he didn’t let it pass.

At the session of the National Electoral Institute (INE) to discuss the overrepresentation of Morena in the Congress of the Union, Sergio Gutierrez Lunarepresentative of the cherry party, threatened electoral counselor Martín Faz.

It is worth mentioning that in the positioning of the electoral counselors, Martin Faz He was one of three who spoke out against the overrepresentation of Morena, along with Claudia Zavala, Dania Ravel and Jaime Rivera.

That was the threat that Sergio Gutiérrez Luna launched against Martín Faz for the overrepresentation of Morena

After that Martín Faz positioned himself against the overrepresentation of Morena, when he had initially said that he would support the party’s qualified majority, Sergio Gutierrez Luna He said that he “bent over.”

For this reason, the representative of Morena before the INE threatened him with impeachment for changing the direction of their vote.

“Why did you change your mind about something you said? That is called inconsistency, and I wonder, and we will have to analyze, if that attitude does not update the hypothesis of article 110: impeachment, by returning to the Constitution.”

Sergio Gutierrez Luna

Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, deputy and representative of Morena before the INE (Video shot)

Gerardo Fernández Noroña reacts to Sergio Gutiérrez Luna’s threat to INE advisor Martín Faz

The Sergio Gutierrez Luna’s threat to INE advisor Martin Faz, provoked a reaction from participants in the session of the electoral body, including Gerardo Fernandez Noronarepresentative of the PT.

Gerardo Fernandez Norona He stressed his respect for the voting sense of all the INE councilors, which is why he said that Sergio Gutierrez Luna used “unnecessary rudeness.”

The PT member pointed out that while they can accuse the councilors of inconsistency, No impeachment proceedings will be brought against anyone Nor will they seek to demolish the INE.

“I believe that my colleague Sergio Gutiérrez was unnecessarily rude, because we can accuse them (the councillors) of inconsistency, but we are not going to proceed against any of them.”

Gerardo Fernandez Norona

Morena obtains a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies and a majority in the Senate

After the vote at the INE session, Morena and the allied parties (PT and PVEM) They obtained a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies after the vote in favor of 7 of the 11 electoral councilors.

However, did not achieve a qualified majority in the Senatebecause although the 11 electoral councilors voted in favor, Morena and allied parties lacked 2 seats to obtain the qualified majority.

So the presence of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies will consist of 108 deputies plurinominal and in the The Senate will occupy 83 seats.

2024-08-24 13:58:26

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