The unfortunate timing of Eric Zemmour, who released his book on the day of 49.3 on pension reform

by time news

The line, wise and well-dressed, stretches to the Bon Point store and its pearl headbands for young girls, 95 euros each. Zemmourie plays at home, in the very chic 6e district of Paris. Some 1,200 people of all ages came to have their icon’s latest book signed (I didn’t say my last word, Rubempré, 352 pages, 21.90 euros), released Thursday, March 16 in the morning and already at the top of sales on Amazon – it dethrones the geneticist Alexandra Henrion-Caude, idol of the antivax movement. A group of four college students approach and ask for the name of the illustrious author. « Eric Zemmour ! »proudly answers a white coat. “Oh yeah, is that Eric Zemmour? Mehdi, don’t go! »

For his first signing session, Eric Zemmour’s entourage finally gave up an emblematic place of the Parisian far right, La Nouvelle Librairie, run by his friend the publisher François Bousquet. For logistical reasons, assures Stanislas Rigault, member of the executive board of Reconquête! – “There are too many books in La Nouvelle Librairie, we wouldn’t have had the space. » Surprising: The New Library very frequently welcomes signatures from authors in tune with his ideas, and Eric Zemmour himself signed there in 2018 and 2019.

No doubt Le Tournon did a better job. It is a typical German-Pratine brasserie, opposite the Senate where, the same morning, a majority adopted the pension reform. Stéphane Ravier, the only Reconquête! parliamentarian, voted against, although Eric Zemmour was for it, but voting discipline is not the concern of the moment.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Storm warning for Reconquest!, Eric Zemmour’s party

“He is our white knight”

It’s bad luck: Eric Zemmour released his book on the day when the political world had its eyes riveted on the National Assembly. The unfortunate timing did not escape those around him, but it was too late to shake up the schedule. The media agenda for the release of the book collides with that of the pension reform, 49.3 and the motions of censure that will follow. “For six months, there have been few free slots in the news”, relativizes Stanislas Rigault. Unable to say if a dissolution would come at the right time to relaunch Reconquest! – “Anyway, there’s no good time for us…unless there’s a dissolution on immigration law.” »

In the queue, we display an intact optimism. The day before, on CNews, Eric Zemmour enchanted them. Not one missed his performance with his former employer. Everyone agrees with their diagnosis: the far-right polemicist has been ” the mine ” par “the media system”on which he is however preparing to chain ten days of promotion (CNews, Figaro MagazineFrance 2, RTL, BFM-TV, PointEurope 1).

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