Between November 13, 19 and 22, the extension project Uniculturas: united by integration, celebrated seven years of existence with a program in the two states where the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab) is present , Ceará and Bahia.
The official opening of the activities took place at the Campus dos Malês, in São Francisco do Conde/BA, where, this year, the project expanded its activities.
In Malês the event brought together representatives, workers and members of the academic community, highlighting the role of Uniculturas in the cultural and artistic integration of Unilab. Among those present, the project coordinator, Professor Rosalina Tavares, led a reflection on the path of Unicultutas, underlining its importance for intercultural dialogue and the promotion of the arts. The moment was enriched with musical and poetic presentations led by the new axes that make up the project: Tukina Dance Group; Kubaliwa dance group and Unisons musical group.
For the representative of Uniculturas at the Malês Campus, Kambulo student Mika Costa, the expansion of the project to Bahia represents a significant milestone in the integration and valorization of cultures in the university, since “Malês has talents and Uniculturas is the project of reference in terms of valorisation of cultures, thus constituting the largest expansion project that still maintains the hope of integration into Unilab”, he underlines.
Continuing the Uniculturas anniversary program, on the 19th, the State Public Library of Ceará (Bece), in Fortaleza, welcomed Uniculturas and other Unilab students to participate in a diversified program, with the launch of books, the presentation of works , as well as dancing and reciting poetry.
On November 22nd, the Uniculturas Project and its fashion and fashion show axis – Unifashion – held, at the Campus da Liberdade/Ceará, the final gala of the second edition of the “Top Model Unilab 2024” event, with the massive participation of the academia community.
Vladimir Fernando Indi, a Guinean student of the Literature – English Language course, was the winner of the competition in the male category, while the title of the female category went to Loide de Sousa, an Angolan student of the Public Administration course.
The main objective of Top Model Unilab is to integrate Unilab students into the world of fashion and discover young talents, offering them knowledge of the area. Furthermore, the event aims to encourage the deconstruction of what is considered a beauty standard. The initiative also sought to highlight the appreciation of the cultures of the Top Model candidates.
The event was organized on two dates: the Gala for the presentation of the candidates (non-elimination) in October and, in November, the final Gala, divided into three presentations, with parades wearing the event’s shirt, with typical costumes of the candidate’s country of origin. participant and, in formal attire.
According to the coordinator of the Uniculturas project, Rosalina Tavares, “the event aims to integrate and save integration in Unilab, considering that, since 2017, the Uniculturas project carries out activities and actions based on the valorization of cultures and integration, being , in this respect the largest cultural project of the university”, he underlines.