“The union of the left” will be “the main opposition force”, predicts Eric Zemmour

by time news

“The union of the left around Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Islamo-leftism will blithely exceed 100 deputies and will obviously be the main force of opposition to macronism”, forecast Eric Zemmour on Saturday, regretting that his movement Reconquest! is now “the privileged adversary” of the RN.

Traveling to Cheval-Blanc, near Cavaillon (Vaucluse), to support the candidacy of Stanislas Rigault, the former journalist seemed to note in advance bad results for the right in the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, due to the division of the “national bloc”.

“We leave divided”

“It’s obvious, it’s sure, it’s already settled, and obviously the choice made by Marine Le Pen in particular, and also the leaders of LR, is that they will arrive themselves with small groups, but apparently they are satisfied with it”, accused the president of Reconquest!, during an improvised press conference, after having spoken in front of some 400 people, in the garden of a farmhouse. Eric Zemmour had come to support Stanislas Rigault, the president of Generation Z, the youth movement of Reconquest!, which is running in the second constituency of Vaucluse.

“I wanted to gather, as Jean-Luc Mélenchon did on the left, as Jean-Luc Mélenchon did very well, but obviously neither Marine Le Pen nor the leaders of LR wanted or knew how to do the same”: “So here we are, we are leaving divided”, regretted Eric Zemmour. “And we will in truth have two lefts, the left of Emmanuel Macron, who is in power, and the left of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who will be the main opposition, and the rest will not exist”, he said. concluded.

Reconquest!, the “privileged adversary” of the RN

Commenting on the recent visit of Jordan Bardella, the acting president of the National Rally, to the Var, where he himself is a candidate, and his announced visit to the Vaucluse on June 4, Eric Zemmour noted that Reconquest! had become the “privileged adversary” of the RN. “It’s absolutely pathetic of him. (…) But at least things are clear. He could go and fight against Mélenchon candidates or Emmanuel Macron candidates, but no, he comes to target the best, the best-known candidates of Reconquest!, I see it as a deliberate strategy of the RN, “he said. -he accuses.

Thursday, it was Marine Le Pen who accused the leader of Reconquest! to be responsible for the possible poor results of his party in the legislative elections: “If in a certain number of constituencies, we do not arrive at the top, it will also be the fact (of) the candidates (of Reconquest!), whereas they know full well that they will not have elected officials, ”she said during a trip to Seine-Maritime.

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