The unions return to the streets on May 1 marked by wage demands in the midst of rising inflation

by time news

2023-05-01 09:10:28

The unions return to this street May 1 with demonstrations all over the country to claim labor improvements. The most important day of celebration of the global labor movement, established to claim the eight-hour day, will focus the claims in Catalonia on demanding that salaries be adjusted to inflation. The majority union organizations, CCOO and UGT, have called you leave at noon in the demarcation capitals and also in Terrassa, Tortosa and Igualada. In the afternoon, he will take over from alternative trade unionism, led by the CGT and the IAC, which will claim the repeal of the labor reformthe reduction of the retirement age in a demonstration at 6 pm in Barcelona, ​​Girona and Tarragona.

Under the slogan ‘Raise wages. Lower the prices. Distribute benefits’, the salary claim will focus the demonstrations of the majority unions, CCOO and UGT. The organizations, which have more than 42,000 delegates together, regard May 1 as a day of celebration of “recovered rights” and the “structural reforms” achieved such as labor or pensions, and also the increase in the Interprofessional Minimum Wage.

However, there will also be criticism of the employer’s “indecent” attitude due to the blockage in the negotiation of wage increases to alleviate inflation.

The demonstration in the Catalan capital will go from Plaça Urquinaona at the end of Via Laietana, while in Tarragona it will start from Plaça Imperial Tàrraco, at Girona will start at Plaça de la Independència and Lleida to that of Treball. In Terrassa, the march is called for at 11 a.m. in Plaça Lluís Companys; in Tortosa the meeting point will be the CAP El Temple at 11:45 a.m. and in Igualada at Paseo de Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer with Carrer de Sant Magí at 11:30 a.m.

During the route of the Barcelona march, there will be a tribute to Camilo Rueda and Carles Vallejo tortured during the dictatorship at the police station in Via Laietana and also to all the victims of occupational accidents in Plaça Ramon Berenguer.

USOC, demonstration for Gràcia: ‘Wages to live’

For its part, the Workers’ Union of Catalonia (USOC), the third union force in Catalonia with 3,000 delegates, will also organize a demonstration in the morning. In this case, it will be a march from 11 a.m. that will go through the streets of the Gràcia Nova district of Barcelona, ​​under the slogan ‘Salaries for a living’ and that will end at the Civic Center of the Sedeta. “The unsustainable price riseespecially of the most basic food, constantly devalue the real value of wages,” says the statement calling for the march. USOC will demand an increase in pay that allows us to live with dignity and not just survive.

CGT, in Jardinets de Gràcia: ‘Against the suffocating rise in prices’

At the same time, a call for the CGT in Jardinets de Gràcia that will go to Plaça Joanic, with the slogan ‘Against the suffocating rise in prices. Direct action!’. The march will denounce the price increase “unstoppable from what is basic for a decent life” of the workers and will be critical of the “majority unions sold to the service of capital and its interests” and also of the new pension reform that “does not improve the conditions of the class worker. “The year of the centenary of the murder of Salvador Seguí, an anarcho-syndicalist worker, should serve as an example to us that rights have always been achieved through direct action and struggle in the streets and in the centers of work”, adds the statement calling for the demonstration.

The Intersyndical, in Plaça Tetuan: ‘Salaries up, decent pensions’

In parallel, La Interunion, which is the fifth union in the country with 1,200 delegates, will demonstrate at 12 at Plaça Tetuan in Barcelona, ​​which will go to the Parc de l’Estació del Nord, under the slogan ‘Salaries up, decent pensions’. The mobilization will protest against the drop in purchasing power which “does not stop going down” for the working class and against the reform of the retirement system which “does not extend rights, but extends cuts”. Apart from the demonstration, there will also be gloss singing and a lunch for union members, sympathizers and activists.

Alternative trade unionism, on the Rambla del Raval

Later, at 6 p.m., there will be a march called by the Trade union table of Cataloniawhich groups organizations like CGT, Alternative Interunion of Catalonia (IAC), CNT, COS, Workers’ Solidarity i Cobas. The protest, which will take place in Barcelona from the Rambla del Raval, in Girona from the Rambla and in Tarragona from Plaça Imperial Tarraco, will demand the complete repeal of the labor reform, the gag and immigration law, and the reduction of retirement age and working hours.

In a joint manifesto, the six trade union organizations accuse the Spanish government of being a “liar” for not repeal the gag law or withdraw the “most harmful” parts of labor reform “as promised.” According to the Union Board, the executive is “kneeling to the economic powers”. On the other hand, they denounce “the precariousness of public services, privatization, the increase in the military budget, the exploitation of migrants”.

Apart from labor improvements, the organizations are in solidarity with the fight against the French government’s pension reform and, for this reason, the Barcelona march will pass through the French consulate, before ending its route at the Foment headquarters of Work

#unions #return #streets #marked #wage #demands #midst #rising #inflation

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