“The United States is trying to enlist Europe against China”

by time news

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MAINTENANCE. Invited to speak at the G20, the controversial economist Jeffrey Sachs defends China and Russia. And denounces American hegemony.

Interview by Jeremy Andrein Bali

The American economist Jeffrey Sachs, professor at Columbia University and adviser to the Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, for the objectives of sustainable development.
American economist Jeffrey Sachs, professor at Columbia University and adviser to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Lhe great power leaders are meeting in Bali, Indonesia this week for their annual G20 summit. Invited by Jakarta for an inaugural conference, the American economist Jeffrey Sachs, professor at Columbia University and adviser to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the Sustainable Development Goals, severely challenges the hegemony of the United States and echoes the criticisms formulated by the rival powers, China and Russia in the lead. In the 1990s, Jeffrey Sachs advised the countries of the former Eastern bloc to join liberal globalization. However, since the late 2010s, his comments on US foreign policy have become increasingly edgy.

Jeffrey Sachs is now the…

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