The United States will try to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council

by time news

The United States and the United Kingdom called on Monday for the “suspension” of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council, in response “to the images of Boutcha”, a Ukrainian city where many corpses after the departure of the Russian forces.

An unequivocal tweet

“We cannot allow a member state that is undermining all the principles that we hold dear to participate in the UN Human Rights Council,” the US ambassador to the United Nations tweeted. United, Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

She addressed the 140 countries that have “already voted to condemn” the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in a UN General Assembly resolution: “The images of Butcha and the devastation across the Ukraine are now forcing us to walk the talk”.

United Kingdom in solidarity

“In close coordination with Ukraine and other UN member states and partners, the United States will work to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council,” the diplomat added. , currently visiting Romania. “Russia cannot be allowed to use its seat on the Council as a propaganda tool to suggest that it has a legitimate concern about human rights,” she added.

Such a suspension must be decided by the General Assembly of the United Nations, in a two-thirds majority vote of the 193 member states of the world organization. The United Kingdom immediately supported the American move. “Russia cannot remain a member of the UN Human Rights Council”, it “must be suspended”, declared on Twitter the head of British diplomacy Liz Truss.

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