the unity of European states put to the test

by time news

2023-10-26 05:59:03

On the agenda of the European Council on October 26 and 27, the heads of state and government will discuss the situation in the Middle East. “It will be important for heads of state and government to affirm their united position on the subject,” argues the Élysée.

The war launched by Israel against Hamas, following the terrorist attacks of October 7, provoked a multitude of reactions which showed deep differences between Europeans. While Ursula von der Leyen visited the site on October 13, displaying a “unconditional support” to Israel, EU foreign policy representative Josep Borrell immediately qualified: “Israel has the right to defend itself. But it must do so in accordance with international law. »

The President of the Commission also clashed with the European Parliament where the Socialists reminded her that “The Palestinians have the right to have their state which can live in peace with Israel”. In an unprecedented development, Ursula von der Leyen was also taken to task in a petition signed by 850 EU officials relating to “the disproportionate reaction of the Israeli state towards Palestinian civilians trapped in Gaza”.

Support for Israel or call for a truce?

These divergences reflect those emerging among Member States. A meeting of foreign ministers devoted to the Middle East on October 23 confirmed this. Among the 27 member states, a certain number support Israel in its war against Hamas and do not consider it necessary to add nuance until this organization is defeated.

This is the message from the Czech Republic: “Supporting Israel in this situation is the only possible and correct position,” judged his Prime Minister Petr Fiala. Conversely, a certain number of States support the idea of ​​a call for “humanitarian truce” in Gaza to enable the sending of humanitarian aid.

During the meeting of foreign ministers, this proposal was supported by France, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Slovenia and Luxembourg, according to a count carried out by Euractiv. But large countries like Germany or Italy did not support it. The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, justified his vote as follows: “We cannot tell Israel to stop defending itself when Hamas fires missiles at its cities. »

France in search of a balanced position

Among the European countries most favorable to unconditional support for the Jewish state are also Hungary, Austria and Romania. Conversely, other European states are traditionally more sensitive to the plight of the Palestinians, such as Sweden (only of the 27 to have recognized their state in 2017), Ireland and Spain.

France is one of those trying to maintain a balanced position. It involves condemnation of Hamas terrorist attacks, support for Israel but “in compliance with international law”, a concern about the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Paris wants “avoid any regional escalation of the conflict and recall the imperative nature of finding the conditions to reinvigorate the political process which should lead to lasting peace in the region”explains the Élysée.

One of the challenges of this European Council is therefore to know whether it will manage to agree, in the final communiqué, on a call for a “humanitarian truce” in Gaza, as desired by a number of countries, including France. This is a modest goal, as it implies little more than a break in the fighting. But this truce could make it possible to deliver humanitarian aid which appears increasingly vital for the civilian population of Gaza.

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