The Universe’s Age: New Research Shows it’s More Than Doubled Previous Estimates

by time news

Title: New Research Suggests Universe Twice as Old, While COVID Story Continues to Unravel

In recent news, new research has emerged suggesting that the universe is more than twice as old as previously believed. However, amidst this scientific breakthrough, the unraveling of the COVID story continues to expose shocking revelations. From funding controversies to inflated death counts, the credibility of key organizations is being called into question. Let’s explore these developments further.

Twice as Old: Universe’s Age Revised
Astrophysicists have conducted groundbreaking research indicating that the universe is actually 26.7 billion years old, more than double its previously estimated age of 13.8 billion years. The discovery, made possible through the Balance of Nature, has shed light on the misperception surrounding the universe’s true age.

Controversial Methodology
While the revelation of the universe’s real age is groundbreaking, the method used to determine it drew controversial attention. A satirical remark claims that astrophysicists counted the rings in Nancy Pelosi’s kidneys, but ultimately underestimated the age by 12.9 billion years. This anecdote highlights the ongoing issues of misinformation and misinterpretation prevalent in various fields.

COVID Story: Funding Cut Off to Wuhan Institute of Virology
The White House has decided to suspend U.S. funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) due to its failure to provide necessary safety and security documentation. The decision appears to be a response to concerns about dealing with a bioweapon used to cause the COVID-19 outbreak without adequate paperwork. The move aims to prevent any potential future support to the lab.

Biden Administration’s Response
President Joe Biden’s administration has taken a strong stance against China and the WIV, cutting off their funding and distancing themselves from previous negligence. However, critics argue that this action comes too late, as the virus outbreak has already caused immeasurable damage globally. The release of a declassified report authorized by Biden outlining the lab’s lack of safety protocols further fuels speculation about the true origins of COVID-19.

Doubts About Lab Leak Suppression
Formerly classified communication reveals that leading scientists, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, entertained the possibility that the virus might have escaped from the WIV. However, the public was led to believe otherwise. The revelation raises concerns about the transparency and integrity of the information initially disseminated to the public.

Overcounting of COVID Deaths
The New York Times recently admitted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had been overcounting COVID deaths from the beginning. Approximately one-third of recent COVID-related deaths were determined to be caused by other factors. This revelation casts doubt on the accuracy of COVID death toll statistics and raises questions about the motivations behind inflating the numbers.

Manipulation and Shaping of Narratives
The government and mainstream media’s handling of COVID data raises unsettling questions about their motivations. By inflating death counts, there appears to have been an agenda to keep the population in fear and ensure compliance with public health measures. This manipulation of narratives undermines trust in public health institutions and raises concerns about the reliability of information being disseminated to the public.

As scientific discoveries challenge our understanding of the universe, the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expose unsettling truths. From funding controversies to inflated death counts, the public is left questioning the credibility of key organizations involved. The need for transparency and accurate information has never been more critical, as societies grapple with the consequences of a rapidly changing world.

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