The US demands clarifications on the recognition of Palestinian organizations as terrorist organizations

by time news

Today (Thursday) Israel closed seven Palestinian organizations in Ramallah that were accused of links to the terrorist organization “The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine”. Palestinian officials said that the security forces raided the offices of the organizations in the West Bank, confiscated computers and equipment, issued closure orders and closed the offices. Following the raid, the US State Department contacted the government and senior officials in Israel to get clarification on the decision to outlaw the organizations.

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The spokesman for the American State Department, Ned Price, said that Israel announced that it would provide additional information to the United States regarding the permanent recognition of three Palestinian organizations as terrorist organizations and their outlawing. “Washington has contacted Israeli officials, including at high levels, to obtain additional information,” Price said in a press briefing, noting that the US is concerned about the closure of the organization’s offices by the IDF. “We will review what is provided to us and come to our own conclusion,” he added.

IDF soldiers in Ramallah (Photo: Flash 90)

The step, which drew criticism from the United Nations, was approved yesterday for three of the organizations. “The Israeli authorities have not presented to the United Nations any reliable evidence to justify these measures,” the United Nations Human Rights Office said in a statement it published. “As such, the closings of the offices appear completely arbitrary”.

As you may recall, Defense Minister Benny Gantz outlawed the organizations last year, in a decision that provoked criticism in the United States and Europe. “The organizations operate under the guise of carrying out humanitarian activities to advance the goals of the terrorist organization ‘The Popular Front’, and they also assist in raising funds for the terrorist organization through a variety of methods that include forgery and fraud,” Gantz said.

Benny Gantz (Photo: Reuven Castro)Benny Gantz (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Palestinian officials condemned the move, which is “illegal” according to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Muhammad Ashteyeh. “These are legal institutions that operate according to the law,” Ashteyeh told reporters during a visit to the al-Haq office in Ramallah.

Earlier, Palestinians clashed with IDF forces who came to guard Jewish worshipers visiting Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus. Palestinian medics said that an 18-year-old Palestinian, who the IDF claimed had shot at soldiers, was killed, and at least 30 people were injured during the clashes.

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