The US launches ‘Operation Plaza Spike’ against the fentanyl market from Mexico

by times news cr

2024-04-15 16:43:43

Troy Miller, an official with the United States Customs and Border Protection, announced the launch of the Operation Spike Plazawhich will aim “disturb further the fentanyl supply chain.”

This operation, led by several agencies, will go after the cartels in Mexico “and the leaders “who benefit from the smuggling of fentanyl, its precursors and the equipment used to produce it,” in addition to combating illegal activities such as drug, weapons and human trafficking.

In a thread, through X, Miller indicated that the first phase Of the operation, it will focus on the Plaza de Nogales in Sonora, Mexico, due to its strategic importance for the cartels.

Likewise, he added that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will take advantage of the successes and lessons “learned from the Operation Apollo in southern California, replicating it in the Arizona corridor with Operation Apollo – Arizona.”

Finally, the senior official emphasized the determination of the federal government in this mission, by ensuring that they will confront those who are involved in the manufacture or transportation of fentanyl across borders, responsible “for the poisoning of the population.”

2024-04-15 16:43:43

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