The US remains the main destination for agricultural exports

by time news

Peruvian agricultural exports (traditional and non-traditional) fell -2.6% in January due to protests and blockades in different parts of Peru

Peruvian agro-exports (traditional and non-traditional) amounted to US$ 887 million 855 thousand last January and had the US as the undisputed leading destination, adding US$ 385 million 886 thousand and concentrating 43.5%, reported the Agroexports Management of the Association of Exporters (ADEX).

This amount (US$ 385 million 886 thousand) was 4.5% higher than that of January 2022 (US$ 369 million 169 thousand), and the rate (4.5%) was better compared to that achieved by total agricultural exports that fell -2.6 % in the first month, mainly due to the protests and blockades registered in different parts of Peru, stated the manager of Agroexports of the union entity, Claudia Solano Oré.

“More than 100,000 formal workers in this sector and another 200,000 who work indirectly, could not carry out their work, not only harming their income and the well-being of their families, but also the image of Peru as a reliable supplier,” he explained. .

The delay in the arrival of the exportable offer or the arrival of products in unsolicited conditions -he continued-, the only thing they achieve is to arouse concern in buyers regarding their suppliers and open the possibility that markets as important as the US. They can reduce their orders.

Along these lines, he highlighted the work of ADEX to promote the participation of Peruvian businessmen in the most recognized international food fairs in the world: ISM Cologne (April 23-25), trade mission to Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand). which will culminate with the participation of companies in the Thaifex fair (May 15 to 27), Seoul Food (May 30 to June 2) and Expoalimentaria (September 27 to 29).

Likewise, other events will be organized that aim to strengthen the capacities of the members of the various production chains, such as the Agro-exporter Lunch (April 13), the I International Passiflora Congress (June) and the XI Capsicum Congress (November). .

bulk coffee 3


The ADEX reported that last January the traditional agricultural dispatches (US$ 64 million 278 thousand) registered a decrease of -53.9% compared to the same month of 2022 (US$ 139 million 695 thousand). They represented 7.2% of the total agricultural exports.

Its leading item was coffee (US$ 58 million 935 thousand) with a concentration of 91.6% and a contraction of -55.5%, followed by other cane sugars and others. Its main destination was the US, followed by Germany and Belgium.

with added value

Non-traditional agricultural exports totaled US$ 823 million 576 thousand, achieving a growth of 6.7% and a representation of 92.8% of the total agricultural shipments. They highlighted grapes, blueberries, fresh asparagus, other preparations used to feed animals and canned mangoes.

The USA (US$ 375 million 603 thousand) also led these exports with a variation of 12% and a concentration of 45%; then came the Netherlands (US$ 97 million 596 thousand) with an increase of 2.8% and a representation of 11.8%. Others were China, Spain and Ecuador.

It should be noted that the US maintains a sustained demand for Peruvian agricultural exports, with an increase of 11% in 2018, 24% in 2019, 7% in 2020 (the year the pandemic began), 12% in in 2021 and 14% in 2022.

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