The US representative in Mexico, Ken Salazar, is celebrating the greatest celebration of the people of Oaxaca

by times news cr

2024-07-31 04:27:22

Those who attend this month’s activities in Oaxacawhich contemplates the Guelaguetza They have done it in a party atmospherebrotherhood, and with the necessary guarantees to live this experience to the fullest and safely, just as the United States ambassador to Mexico did, Ken Salazar who confirmed the culture, tradition and tranquility when walking through the streets of Green Antequera.

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It was precisely in the Parade of the Delegationslast Saturday, where the Ambassador was happy and admired by all the beauty of the regions that participated, highlighting that “Oaxaca is the heart of Mexico’s culture, it is unique, we are celebrating the greatness of Mexico, the greatness of Oaxaca”.

Following the first broadcast of the traditional Lunes del Cerro, and the development of activities such as the Mezcal Fair, the Quesillo Fair or concerts such as those of Grupo Cañaveral, the State Government has announced that the balance has been clean, given that all events have been carried out in complete order and civility.

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This weekend, other emblematic events will take place, such as Bani Stui Gulal, Donají la Leyenda and, once again, the Parade of Delegations, where security elements will guarantee order, allowing Oaxaca to show the best of its culture and traditions in a joyful setting, but with all the necessary security conditions, as has been done until now.


2024-07-31 04:27:22

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