The US revealed: “A nuclear missile submarine in the Arabian Sea”

by time news

In a rare move, the US Navy revealed that an “Ohio” type nuclear ballistic missile submarine has been in the Arabian Sea region for the past few days. The location was revealed as part of a supposedly routine announcement about the visit of General Michael Kurilla, commander of Central Command (CENTCOM) aboard the submarine.

Despite the innocent message, commentators around the world claim that the publication is not accidental and that it is a threatening message towards the Iranians and Russians. It was also written that the commander general stayed with other senior officials on the “West Virginia” submarine for about eight hours and received a comprehensive overview of the activity and capabilities of the flotilla. It should be noted that it was not published how and when exactly they reached the submarine and that the United States usually does not publish the location of its submarines, once they leave the port.

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“These submarines are the jewel in the crown of the nuclear triumvirate (combining a nuclear strike from submarines, aircraft and missiles),” said General Korilla. “Virginia demonstrates the flexibility, survivability, readiness and capability of forces at sea.” The US Navy is considered the largest navy in the world. According to publications, the United States owns close to a hundred submarines, most of which are deployed around the world and their location is strictly secret.

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