Baghdad – IA
The Democratic President of the US Senate Chuck Schumer announced on Wednesday that the Senate can vote on a temporary budget bill that must then be approved in the House of Representatives before Friday if the United States wants to avoid paralysis of federal state services.
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This text, which extends the current budget until December 3, is widely supported by Republicans, so it is expected that the Senate will approve it.
Schumer said during a Senate meeting, “The Senate may decide to address this issue of concern that requires the immediate attention of this chamber: funding the federal government after September 30,” the end of America’s fiscal year.
No date has been set for the vote yet.
This bill will also include aid to states affected by natural disasters, as well as funds to help Afghan refugees settle in the United States.
Parliamentarians have until midnight on Thursday to approve a new financial law, or the funding for federal services will be cut.
The government’s paralysis will include ministries, national parks, several museums, and a large number of agencies, which has pushed hundreds of thousands of employees into partial unemployment.
Schumer pointed out that “the last thing Americans need right now is government paralysis.”
This text is thought to be the easiest for Congress to adopt. But Senate Republicans blocked an earlier version on Monday because it included suspending the US debt ceiling until December 2022.
Republicans refuse to give the green light to this measure, which they say would be tantamount to giving Joe Biden a blank check, and have urged Democrats to approve it on their own through tough parliamentary maneuvering.
But Schumer warned that the path would be “risky” and called on the opposition to overcome obstacles.
Yesterday, Tuesday, the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States Janet Yellen suggested that her department would exhaust the necessary measures to continue funding the government on October 18, and that the funding would disappear if Congress did not raise the borrowing ceiling federal.
2024-10-04 04:45:38