The Valley of the Fallen, armored for the exhumation of Primo de Rivera 64 years later

by time news

2023-04-24 08:01:30

The mortal remains of José Antonio Primo de Rivera will be exhumed today, 120th anniversary of his birth and 64 years after his mass burial in the Valley of the Fallen, as was the wish of Francisco Franco, to inaugurate the mausoleum on April 1, 1959. Today sOnly his family will be present –about 80 people–, the workers responsible for raising the 3,500 kilo granite slab that covers the grave with his name next to the main altar – Franco’s was on the other side until October 24, 2019 – and the employees of the mortuary transfer manager.

At 5:30 in the morning the preparatory tasks will begin and the opening of the ground so that at 9 in the morning the extraction of the coffin can be carried out, already with the relatives present, who will thus avoid the unpleasant noises heard by Franco’s grandchildren during the exhumation of 24-O four years ago: radial machines and various tools to complete the task. Then a response will be held by the prior of the basilica, Santiago Quarry and, finally, the trip will be made to the San Isidro cemetery in Madrid, where the family tombs are located, including that of his sister Pilar Primo de Rivera, next to the one that apparently sThe urn of the founder of the Falange will be deposited –The coffin will be destroyed after the reduction of the remains–, as LA RAZÓN has learned.

The cemetery cleaned up the place on Friday, where the maintenance managers they scattered sand around four of the six tombs that the Primo de Rivera saga keeps in the cemetery.

predictably, several Falangist groups are going to concentrate today on the access to the Sacramental de San Isidro and, according to party sources, they will pay another tribute in the coming days. Yesterday afternoon, about thirty people attended a brief prayer by a priest at the entrance to the Valley of the Fallen. To all The Civil Guard took their affiliation.

security is a priority. In fact, the renowned Valle de Cuelgamuros has been armored since Thursday –there are more than eight vehicles de la Benemérita making rounds these days– to procure the maximum discretionand the enclosure will be closed until its reopening on May 3.

This lengthy closure contrasts with the three days it took to replace the flooring after Franco’s exhumation. National Heritage sources talk about “security reasons and for the privacy of the family”as pointed out by the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, but they do not give any explanation about the reason for the delay on this occasion. It so happens that hThere is a wedding scheduled at the venue on April 29with about 400 invitations issued for the ceremony.

Meanwhile, the Franco Foundation has crossed out the exhumation of «ruinous and civil war action of the Government» and has described the President of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, as the “undisputed world champion of infamy” for his action «miserable».

«The exhumation and forced transfer of the remains of José Antonio Primo de Rivera from the Basilica of the Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos, in compliance with the Law of Democratic Memory sponsored by the government partners and friends of ETA, will go down in the history of humanity as one of the worst infamies committed by a government at all times,” the foundation lamented in a statement. In his opinion, the Executive wants “rewrite history at will” and “try to eliminate the memory and tribute” to Primo de Rivera, who was “a model of nobility in the political and personal, incompatible with a weak government that has made lies and betrayal its hallmarks.

It should be remembered that Primo de Rivera, as a victim of the Civil War, has the right to remain buried in the Valley of the Fallen under the precepts of the new Democratic Memory Law, which nevertheless prevents the presence of remains of leaders of the 1936 coup, the Civil War and the dictatorship in prominent places public access. The Primo de Rivera went ahead of the regulations and requested their departure, before the Valley of the Fallen became a civil cemetery. As his relatives remembered, José Antonio left written in his will that he wanted to be buried according to the rite of the Catholic religion «on blessed ground and under the protection of the Holy Cross».

Yesterday, at the entrance to the Cuelgamuros compound, some bouquet with five red roses, alluding to the letter of the ‘Face to sun’the hymn of the Falange: «Victorious flags will return / to the joyful step of peace / and they will bring five roses lit/ the arrows of my beam». Like the one carried by Luis Felipe Utrera-Molina, lawyer for the Martínez-Bordiú Franco, on the day of the exhumation of 2019, in identical scenario to today’s

“Forced eviction”

The Franco Foundation believes that “the Government and its henchmen are wrong if they think that with this new desecration (the forced eviction of his mortal remains cannot be described in any other way) they will be able to erase from the collective memory the name of José Antonio, eternal captain of youth and mirror of nobility, faith and patriotism that in the last hours of his life had the generosity and temperance to write what would forever be his epitaph: “I wish mine were the last Spanish blood to be spilled in civil discord. I hope that the Spanish people, so rich in endearing good qualities, find the Homeland, Bread and Justice in peace”.

#Valley #Fallen #armored #exhumation #Primo #Rivera #years

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