The version of Lysistrata by the Cassiopeia Theater Association transcends the value of the word sorority

by time news

2023-06-11 19:17:46

This version of lysistrata of Aristophanes acts as a nucleus in which different vectors converge that, in one way or another, lead us to carry out different readings: Something like that in the same representation, countless messages are being emitted that from one’s personal experience and knowledge , you will only have access to a very small portion of its contents.

I understand that the “licenses” that the director of this production allowed himself, Ferdinand Lahoz, respond to the fact that this Andalusian professional is expressing himself in relation to issues that concern him about his surroundings: a way in which he confronts the times in which he has had to live. So the members of the Casiopea Theater Association have done everything in their power to know how to translate the essence of this text, identifying what makes it timeless, and not least, where is the “conduit” that would make us believe that the version in play has been written to suit them.

Having said the above, I defend that the members of the Casiopea Theater Association have been responsible and honest in giving us notice from the beginning, that they have wanted to focus on the absurd, pernicious and counterproductive nature of instrumentalizing the bodies of women in search of of the peace of the peoples. In fact, comedies of ancient greece They come from “occurrences” of their authors, or from caricaturing characters or situations of the time. Take into account that the historical context in which the author of this text lived, there were wars every two by three, and men were called to the front to defend the interests of their City-States. So this comedian calls us to imagine what would happen if women put their hands on this matter, given the boredom of not being able to share their lives with their husbands in the “best years of their lives.”

These premises allow their authors, directors and performers not to have to answer to anyone, since after all they are “playing” with reality. Or put another way: they are not writing an essay, they are doing a specular work. It is precisely these kinds of things that help us to breathe and understand that no matter how tragic what is being talked about, it is convenient from time to time to let our creativity run wild to laugh at whatever, it is a exercise that contributes to the conservation of our lucidity and vigor.

Photo: Jesus Diaz Benjumea

Photo: Jesus Diaz Benjumea

However, in no way should we stop taking seriously the issue of the ultrasexualization of women’s bodies, and no less serious, that diplomatic work between States is “used up” too soon, because having as a laudable option Taking the lives of innocent people as “collateral damage” denotes having a rather controversial order of priorities. behold that the group of women led by the character Lysistrata has had a plan that is not likely to be successful, but will at least “detonate” the systematic way of making decisions of the men who manage the City-States in which they reside. Of course, exercising the power that we have in our hands will make us be seen as a “threat”, something that, on the other hand, reveals the great degree of insecurities of those who adopt a position of power or abuse their “sovereignty”. Even so, this should not demobilize us if developing the companies that move us will get us out of a situation in which we feel cornered. That is to say: as it cannot be worse, then let’s “disrupt” the chessboard and move our knights as if we were playing checkers.

Therefore, in lysistrata From Aristophanes, women are no longer afraid of the coercion and arbitrariness with which they and the rest of their companions have been dehumanized. From here we have to draw a precedent for the feminisms of our Contemporary Age? I prefer to limit myself to qualifying it as an example of female sorority from which we can be inspired. Being that the different feminist currents go to the root of human relationships, even making us look at ourselves under assumptions that await to be explored in greater depth. Giving rise to redefine what we understand by a human being, especially, if these ally with the claims of the LGTBI + collectives. On the other hand, this mischievous and jocular comedy puts the things that constitute our daily life to the limit, in such a way that they induce us to rethink what we take as “normal”, but does not question them as such.

Photo: Jesus Diaz Benjumea

Photo: Jesus Diaz Benjumea

And that’s when the members of the Casiopea Theater Association come in to update this comedy with a version of feminist and queer inspiration. This is: in a performative way they already play with other rules, because they have passed the phase in which they legitimize the cishetero-patriarchy as an opponent. Which is not in contradiction, with putting on the table slogans that they considered necessary, to claim that we all have to be recognized as citizens/human beings with their corresponding rights and obligations, drawing what has been established up to now as a ” state of exception that has become the rule”, whatever the time it is. Thus, at least they are giving their part so that others have a mirror in which to look at themselves without having to ask anyone’s permission.

Precisely his drive, his rigor, his intelligence, and above all, the love with which this version of lysistratadoes to the Casiopea Theater Association, a group of people who deserve my admiration and affection. They have really done a fantastic, balanced and fun job, exercising the discipline to which they owe themselves as a vehicle for political intervention.

#version #Lysistrata #Cassiopeia #Theater #Association #transcends #word #sorority

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