The Versius surgical robot for the first time in an Italian hospital

by time news

CMR Surgical (CMR) – international robotic surgery company today announced the introduction of the Versius surgical robotic system® al Milan Polyclinic, the first hospital and treatment institute (IRCCS) for the quality and quantity of scientific research produced. The hospital is one of the largest healthcare facilities in Lombardy: Versius will be used to develop a multi-specialist program involving Thoracic Surgery and General Surgery.

Surgical robotics

The Italian market for surgical robotics is one of the largest in Europe and characterized by the adoption of cutting-edge technologies. In Lombardy, in particular, there is the highest concentration of surgical robots in Italy, even if 73% of minimally invasive surgery procedures with the aid of the robot are performed in private facilities.1 The Polyclinic of Milan is the first public hospital in Italy to use Versius, potentially allowing more and more patients to have access to minimally invasive robotic surgery.

Mark Slack, Chief Medical Officer di CMR Surgical ha commentato: “It is wonderful to know that Versius will be used in the Milan Polyclinic, one of the historic and most avant-garde hospitals in Italy. The concept of collaboration is fundamental for us at CMR because it represents a great added value that allows us to improve the quality of robotic surgery services more and more. With its attitude to patient safety and high quality training, a leading hospital such as the Policlinico di Milano is the ideal structure to collaborate with to show the potential of Versius and provide surgeons have the opportunity to use this new generation robotic technology firsthand to perform minimally invasive surgery treatments “.

“We are pleased to be the first to have the opportunity to use a new cutting-edge surgical technology. The installation of the Versius robot, the first alternative to the robotic system up to now available on the market in a public facility such as the Policlinico di Milano, could increase the possibilities of access to these new technologies by all citizens. Robotic surgery, used in association with laparoscopic procedures, could also contribute to improving the clinical outcomes of patients who access these interventions through the national health system ” comments Prof. Luigi Boni, Director of the General Surgery Unit of the Milan Polyclinic.

Within the Polyclinic of Milan, Versius will be used in a number of procedures including cholecystectomy, low anterior resection and lung resection, a surgical procedure used in the treatment of lung cancer. The use of minimally invasive robotic surgery in these cases can significantly reduce the physical effort of the surgeon during the execution of the surgery. It has also been shown that compared to open surgery, minimally invasive surgery reduces the patient’s stay in hospital – from weeks to days – and can reduce the risk of surgical site infections, a problem that is estimated to cost healthcare services. all over Europe up to 19 billion euros a year.2

Professor Mario Nosotti, director of the Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplantation Unit of the Milan Polyclinic, said: “Lombard healthcare has always shown great interest in robotic surgery. The installation of the Versius robot and in general the implementation of these advanced medical tools represent a huge step forward for public health. The minimally invasive approach of these technologies in more complex surgical procedures, such as the thoracic one, will make it possible to reduce post-operative hospitalization times, translating into a great advantage both for the patient and for the entire healthcare system. Finally, the accuracy of the surgical gesture is amplified from the robotic tool, translating into even more effective and radical interventions “.

Versius is confirmed to be a valid surgical instrument already used in several hospitals in Europe, India, Australia and the Middle East, where it has been used to perform numerous gynecological, general, thoracic and urological surgery procedures.

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