The Vice President of the Republic of El Salvador, Mr. Félix Ulloa together with the Secretary General of the Organization of Ibero-American States, Mr. Mariano Jabonero, announced agreements between both institutions.

by time news

The Vice President of the Republic of El Salvador, Mr. Félix Ulloa Jr., together with the Secretary General of the Organization of Ibero-American States, Mr. Mariano Jabonero, They announced the different agreements signed between both institutions.

The Office ManagerMr. Alberto Arene presented the 3 agreements signed between the Organization of Ibero-American States and the Government of El Salvador:

* Project to reduce the educational digital gap for the population living in poverty and

exclusion in the rural area of ​​municipalities of the Trifinio El Salvador region, between the

Vice Presidency, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and the OEI.

* Memorandum of understanding between the Higher School of Innovation in the

Administration Public (ESIAP) and the OEI.

* Framework collaboration agreement between the National Council for Sustainable Development and

at OEI.

The Secretary General of the OEI explained the positive impact of the signed agreements since they allow the reduction of the digital, social and economic gap; a country with a modern and transparent public management, in addition, a sustainable region.

Regarding the Project to Reduce the Digital Educational Gap in the Trifinio Region, Vice President Ulloa asserted that this agreement strengthens the vision of President Nayib Bukele to prepare children and youth to face the fourth industrial revolution.

The Government of El Salvador has also delivered tablets and computers to students and teachers of public educational centers to provide tools that strengthen their technological skills.

The National Executive Director of @DENPT_ESA, Mr. Jorge Urbina explained that in the region, the Internet is facilitated, their skills in technology are strengthened and this knowledge is combined with education, agriculture and other branches to promote development

Regarding the Memorandum of Understanding between the ESIAP and the OEI, the Vice President affirmed in his capacity as Rector, that the Government has a commitment to guarantee quality public services for the population and for this reason, the agreement was signed, which It allows:

* Establish coordination and collaboration mechanisms between the parties
  • Implement joint activities to develop the skills and knowledge of public administration students
  • Facilitate mutually beneficial institutional development

In addition, the Vice President shared with those present that the ESIAP is in a process of refounding with the objective that it can give officials the necessary tools for better management and service.

At the meeting, they also discussed the collaboration framework agreement between the National Council for Sustainable Development and the OEI that allows:

*Establish bonds of cooperation

* Facilitate collaboration between the parties on issues of mutual interest, oriented to the

service of democracy, peace, development, institutional training, integration

region and others.

During the meeting, Vice President Ulloa stressed that the Government of El Salvador has a firm commitment to follow up on compliance with the SDGs, for this reason, the National Strategy for Sustainable Development for El Salvador is being carried out.

Said strategy will be presented during a conference on Sustainable Development within the framework of the Pro Tempore Presidency of SICA that El Salvador will assume in June 2023, where, in addition, various spaces for dialogue will be held, such as:

* Entrepreneurs and Investors Forum to present investment possibilities in the


*Forum on Security Models in Central America where the success of the Plan will be presented

Control Territorial

* Forum of Central American Local Authorities

Likewise, he explained that thanks to the leadership of President Nayib Bukele, the Salvadoran population can enjoy a country of opportunities, well-being, development, security and with the vision of continuing to work so that the public is better than the private.

For his part, the Executive Director of the National Council for Sustainable Development (CNDS), Mr. Mario Otero, expressed that the meeting is an example of SDG 17 that seeks to establish alliances for the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Likewise, he affirmed that the bases are being laid to present in the year 2025, a new Report of the Voluntary National Review of the process of implementation of the SDGs El Salvador. The second review was presented by Vice President Ulloa before the UN in 2022

The following also participated in the meeting: the Vice Minister of Education, Mr. Ricardo Cardona, cooperation agencies and the technical team of the different institutions present.

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