The Vietnamese team squad sat at home watching the 2023 Asian Cup on TV

by time news

2024-01-05 02:00:00

Goalkeeper: Dang Van Lam does not have a chance to compete with Nguyen Filip because he was injured in the last match of Binh Dinh Club before joining the Vietnamese team. Defender: Injury and health problems made Nguyen Thanh Chung has not played consistently over the past year and missed the opportunity to show off under coach Troussier. When called up, this defender had to withdraw before joining the Vietnam national team because of an injury during a club training session. Defender: Que Ngoc Hai was hurt in the match against Iraq in November. The Binh Duong Club player recovered. good but still not fully recovered in time to participate in the 2023 Asian Cup. Defender: Bui Tien Dung is not used in the Vietnamese team under coach Troussier. He was only called up as an extra in the last 2 meetings to replace injured teammates. However, this time, The Cong Viettel players could not join the team due to health problems. Defender: Doan Van Hau has not played any matches for the Vietnamese team under coach Philippe Troussier. The player from the Hanoi Police Club injured his heel and won’t be able to return until early 2024 at the earliest. Hoang Duc lost his starting spot in the Vietnamese team, but coach Troussier is still calculating options for using this player because he still the top highly qualified player in the V.League. The male player has not yet recovered from his injury and may not be healthy enough to play in the match against Japan, but Mr. Troussier is still patiently waiting for his student Nguyen Duc Chien to be regularly called up to the Vietnamese team in 2023. and maintain stable performance at the club. However, an injury in round 8 of the V.League caused the midfielder of The Cong Viettel to withdraw early. Nguyen Thanh Nhan is one of the young players favored by coach Troussier in the Vietnamese team. He said goodbye to the team on the same day as Dang Van Lam and Nguyen Duc Chien due to an injury he suffered at the club. Van Quyet was a player who was not called up this time. Nguyen Tien Linh worked hard to adjust his playing style and improve his performance. . He played very well at the beginning of this season for Binh Duong Club. However, right after the Vietnamese team list was announced, Tien Linh was injured in an unlucky collision in the loss to Hanoi Police Club and did not recover in time to attend the 2023 Asian Cup. This also includes Cong Phuong, a player playing in Japan.

Goalkeeper: Dang Van Lam did not have a chance to compete with Nguyen Filip because he was injured in the last match of Binh Dinh Club before joining the Vietnamese team.

Defender: Injuries and health problems have caused Nguyen Thanh Chung to not play consistently for more than a year and miss the opportunity to perform under coach Troussier. When called up, this defender had to withdraw before joining the Vietnam national team because of an injury during a club training session.

Defender: Que Ngoc Hai was hurt in the match against Iraq in November. The Binh Duong Club player recovered well but still could not fully recover in time to attend the 2023 Asian Cup.

Defender: Bui Tien Dung is not used in the Vietnamese team under coach Troussier. He was only called up as an extra in the last 2 meetings to replace injured teammates. However, this time Viettel’s The Cong player could not join the team due to health problems

Defender: Doan Van Hau has not played any matches for the Vietnamese team under coach Philippe Troussier. The Hanoi Police Club player injured his heel and won’t be able to return until early 2024 at the earliest.

Hoang Duc lost his starting spot in the Vietnamese team, but coach Troussier is still calculating plans to use this player because he is still a top high-quality player in the V.League. The male player has not yet recovered from his injury and may not be healthy enough to play in the match against Japan, but Mr. Troussier is still patiently waiting for his student.

Nguyen Duc Chien is regularly called up to the Vietnamese team in 2023 and maintains stable performance at the club. However, an injury in round 8 of the V.League caused the The Cong Viettel midfielder to withdraw early

Nguyen Thanh Nhan is one of the young players favored by coach Troussier in the Vietnamese team. He left the team on the same day as Dang Van Lam and Nguyen Duc Chien because of an injury he suffered at the club

Van Quyet is the player who was not called up this time.

Nguyen Tien Linh made great efforts to adjust his playing style and improve his performance. He played very well at the beginning of this season for Binh Duong Club. However, right after the Vietnam team list was announced, Tien Linh was injured in a somewhat unlucky collision in the loss to Hanoi Police Club and did not recover in time to attend the 2023 Asian Cup.

Not being called up this time is Cong Phuong, a player playing in Japan.

#Vietnamese #team #squad #sat #home #watching #Asian #Cup

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