The VIP law firm publishes an announcement on the Order’s website: “Wanted a lawyer, send photos and Instagram profile”. Controversy

by time news

An online ad on the Order’s website to find a lawyer. With the request to “send curriculum with photo and Instagram profile“. You posted a law firm in Piazza Mazzini. After the controversy the owner Felice D’Alfonso Del Sordowhich he represented show business characters like Mina, Carlo Verdone and Adriano Celentano, contacted by Republic of Rome he argued that the social profile is necessary to “save time” in evaluating the candidates: “We might as well see immediately how much the person has already made public”. As for looking for women only, she said she thinks they are “more gritty, lately, so much so that it was they who raised the fuss, and not the boys, except “. And again: “It is important that there was approval of my text for the announcement of collaboration by the Council of the Order, and this is enough for me ”.

The lawyer Martina Colomasi had published the announcement on social media commenting: “This is how they evaluate the preparation. You don’t put all the causes who win on Instagram ?! ”. Many professionals, adds the Roman daily, hope that the Committee for Equal Opportunities of the Order make itself heard since it also has the task of “preventing, combating and removing discriminatory behaviors”.

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