The voice assistant that helps you choose wine. Alexa’s latest move

by time news

AGI – Italy, a country with a unique food and wine culture in the world, has made Italians great wine lovers. Renowned labels of the highest quality, which are flanked by a multitude of possibilities thanks to the wealth of territories, grape varieties and cellars, from north to south.

Knowing how to harmonize the taste of food with that of wine aims to enhance the qualities of both, but it is not always easy to find your way around having so many options available. And Amazon didn’t miss the opportunity to get a hand and taught voice assistant Alexa to help out in choosing wine. The skill is called ‘Perfect Wine’ and the ambition is to help in choosing the best bottle to buy, based on the occasion and the food pairing.

It will be possible to ask more direct and complex questions. Just ask, for example, “Alexa, recommend me a wine for a romantic dinner with a maximum price of twenty euros” or “Alexa, suggest me a wine for an aperitif with friends”, in order to speed up and optimize the search.


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