The War of Iron Swords: Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri on Dismantling Hamas and Challenges Faced by Israel

by time news

Title: Israeli Official Calls for Full Dismantling of Hamas Amidst Ongoing Conflict

Subtitle: Public Blames Political Echelon for Failure, Questions Security System’s Role

In an interview with Kol Hai radio, Aryeh Deri, the Shas chairman and member of the Knesset, asserted that there is a consensus at the military and political level to focus solely on dismantling Hamas rather than dealing with individual culprits involved in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. Deri criticized the lack of a comprehensive plan to eliminate Hamas completely, highlighting the absence of a clear roadmap in the State of Israel.

Many members of the public have voiced their frustration, attributing blame to the political echelon for the failure to achieve desired outcomes in the conflict. Questions are being raised about the effectiveness of the security system in dealing with the situation at hand.

Deri also discussed his talks with President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu, stressing the importance of keeping Gaza out of Israel’s affairs. He made it clear that there should be no interaction with Hamas, stating that Israel will provide humanitarian aid only to the southern Gaza Strip, under certain conditions.

Addressing the challenges faced by decision-makers, Deri emphasized the magnitude of the current struggle and the variety of challenges they encounter. He denied the existence of tensions or disagreements between the military and political ranks, highlighting the unity within the war cabinet.

Reflecting on the terrorist attack experienced by Israel, Deri acknowledged that no one was prepared for such a terrible disaster. He praised the heroic efforts made by the security forces in apprehending the perpetrators and regaining control of the affected areas.

While acknowledging the immediate response on the civilian front, Deri emphasized the ongoing challenges Israel faces from its enemies on various fronts. He reassured the public that the main mission remains in Gaza but stated that the IDF is also working tirelessly in the West Bank to prevent further escalation. Deri expressed concern for the abducted and captive individuals, stressing the importance of saving lives.

In light of the escalating crisis, Deri called for unity among the Israeli people, emphasizing the need to support the national emergency government. He praised the volunteer organizations and various sectors of society for their efforts and unity in the face of adversity.

As the conflict continues with no clear end in sight, the pressure mounts on the Israeli political echelon to find a resolution while ensuring the security and well-being of its citizens. The international community continues to closely monitor the situation, hoping for a peaceful resolution to the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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