The Washington Post: “Biden should end military aid to Israel”

by time news

In an article published by former senior State Department official Aaron David Miller and former US Ambassador to Israel Dan Kartzer, the two called on President Biden to reconsider any support for Israel, both in international forums and militarily, due to the new government coming to power. The two attack the members of the designated government with harsh words, saying Because their values ​​are racist and anti-democratic

The influential American newspaper Washington Post published an article written by Aaron David Miller, a senior American State Department expert and Middle East expert, and Daniel Kretzer, former US ambassador to Israel who opposed and boycotted various prime ministers in the past, and serves as a professor of Middle Eastern studies.

In the article, the two warn against the elected Netanyahu government, and call on President Biden to stop the military aid that may be directed to Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. The two also claim that Biden and his administration must sever all ties with Itamar Ben Gabir and Bezalel Smotrich.

“As Israel approaches its 75th birthday next year, Benjamin Netanyahu is giving birth to the most extreme government in the country’s history, all in an effort to secure the postponement of the trial against him or the dismissal of the indictments altogether.”

“After bringing to life the radical, racist and misogynistic far-right parties, Netanyahu is now stuck with them. He made a deal with convicted instigator of hatred and violence Itamar Ben Gabir and made him minister of national security, with far-reaching authority over the West Bank, Jerusalem and mixed Arab-Jewish cities in Israel. Bezalel Smotrich, who called for the expulsion of Arabs, is in line to run the Ministry of Finance, with additional powers over the Civil Administration, which controls the West Bank. And Avi Maoz was appointed deputy in the Prime Minister’s Office in charge of ‘Jewish identity,'” write Kartzer and Miller, attacking Netanyahu’s coalition partners which is indicated.

“The unprecedented nature of this coalition – democratically elected but with anti-democratic values ​​that run counter to US interests – should prompt the White House to send clear messages to Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the Arab states,” Kartzer and Miller write.

“First, Israel must be told that while the United States will continue to support the legitimate security demands of its ally, it will not provide offensive weapons or other assistance to malicious Israeli operations in Jerusalem or the occupied territories. The United States must explicitly warn against efforts to change the status of the West Bank and the Temple Mount, “To train” outposts for settlements and to build an infrastructure for settlers designed to pave the possibility of a two-state solution.”

“Biden should also make it clear to Israel that his administration will have no dealings with Ben Gabir, Smotrich or their offices if they continue to advocate racist policies and actions. US support for Israel in international forums, including the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice, has limits Israel should know that the Biden administration will be on alert for Israeli actions that deserve to be called out and condemned.”

Kartzer and Miller even call for Arab countries that signed the Abraham Accords to be involved, and to use threats to ensure that they will return to the Palestinian issue. “The Biden administration should inform the countries of the Abraham Pact – the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan – that their clear lack of interest in the plight of the Palestinians will undermine their relations with Israel and damage their credibility in promoting other regions. It is important to recognize that previous crises in US-Israel relations have occurred in the context of peace negotiations. If the US president puts pressure on the democratically elected Israeli government, it will be unprecedented and controversial. But Israel has never embarked on such a dangerous path. Political will is important, and this is a moment for Biden to show American strength and determination.”

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