The way is open to find solutions in the lakeside area – 2024-05-04 09:30:22

by times news cr

2024-05-04 09:30:22

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

The belief that the way has now been opened to fully clarify the landscape in order to regulate property issues in the area of ​​Matsika and more generally in the coastal area of ​​Pamvotida, is expressed by the Deputy Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Member of Parliament of Ioannina Maria Kefala, following a teleconference with representatives residents and property owners with legal title deeds around the lake.

In the teleconference, which took place on Holy Tuesday, Mrs. Kefala expressed the given political will of the government to provide the best possible solution to the problems they have been facing for decades, speaking of a point redefinition of the demarcation in the coastal zone of Pamvotida, in areas where legal title deeds exist, and not for new demarcation.
The subject of the teleconference, which was called and coordinated by the Deputy Minister of Social Cohesion and Family Maria Kefala, was the developments based on the new legislative framework as it applies after the passing of Law 5092/2024 and it was attended by the Secretary General of Natural Environment and Water Minister of State Petros Varelidis, the Secretary General of Spatial Planning and Urban Environment of the Minister of State Efthymios Bakoyannis, the Secretary General of Public Property of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance Naya Kollia, Mr. Syggunas from the Real Estate Service of Ioannina and the representatives of the residents and owners of the area ” Matsikas” Evangelos Koutsis and Petros Katsoulidis.
As mentioned by the participants in the teleconference, Law 5092 now provides solutions and deals with the problems of decades on their correct basis, recognizing the right of ownership to those who possess legal title deeds, which they must present to the Real Estate Service. After the inspection by the Real Estate Service and if it is established that there are legal title deeds, then the procedure for the point-by-point redefinition of the demarcation in the coastal zone of Pamvotida begins. In the rest of the issues that arise for the area in question, as well as in general based on the provisions of the new Law in the lakeside area of ​​Pamvotida, it was agreed that there should be an open channel of communication between the co-competent services and with the local bodies, in order to deal with other pending issues issues and obstacles for years, which have the effect of delaying projects of an environmental and developmental nature.
“Two years ago I publicly and without asterisks raised the major issue of the delimitation of Pamvotida and the need for its partial redefinition, having become the recipient of the concern and concerns of the residents of the lakeside areas. With Law 5092/2024, the government of Mr. Mitsotakis confirms both its political will and its determination to resolve problems that are causing problems, with the legal owners on the one hand being held hostage for many years and on the other having fallen into a quagmire development projects for the benefit of Pamvotida, the protection of the natural environment and the lake ecosystem. I believe that the way has now been opened to fully clarify the landscape and to jointly find the appropriate solutions for all sides”, says Ms. Kefala in her statement.

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