the way of blood part 1

by time news

Blood donation is a mainstay of our healthcare system. Reason enough for me to donate some of my blood and see how it all works.

The summer months in particular are a big concern for blood donors. Many people go on vacation and simply forget to donate their blood to a good cause. A circumstance that is understandable after two years of the corona pandemic. Before we start, the ice is broken with a cold drink. Then I’ll start recording my personal data. In addition to my donor card, I also get information material and the questionnaire to fill out. Armed with a ballpoint pen, we set off. The questions mainly revolve around my state of health. The purpose behind this is that it can be determined in advance which blood products can be produced from the donor blood. Basically, every donation counts. There are no bad blood types. The first thing I have to do is sign and I am informed about the possibility of complications, such as bruises at the puncture site. After that, my HB value will be measured in a laboratory test. That means: How much oxygen is in my blood. If the HB value is too low, the body cannot compensate for the iron loss quickly enough. In the worst case, this can impair the oxygen supply. My blood pressure and temperature will also be measured. So far everything is OK for me and I can go on to the doctor. The medical check at the end is done quickly. Here I would still have the opportunity to talk about the medication I am taking and will be checked again for my ability to donate. Now it’s time to get down to business. The needle is calling! After lying down, I wonder if the puncture will hurt. After the puncture site has been disinfected and my thoughts are still circling around the puncture, the needle is already in my arm and the blood flows through the tube into my personal blood bag. After less than 10 minutes, my arm is bandaged and I can relax. Donating blood wasn’t bad at all! Now hold your arm up for a few more minutes and then it’s done. But first sit for a few more minutes. Then I pick up my packed lunch and follow the blood donation truck to Ulm. The blood donations are unloaded and placed in the production anteroom for later processing.

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