the wearing of the mask recommended in transport by the president of the Committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks

by time news
The daily number of Covid-19 cases has passed the 40,000 mark. zigres /

Brigitte Autran, president of Covars who succeeded the Scientific Council, clarified that this new wave of coronavirus did not worry her.

«We must start wearing masks again in public transport, and in all populated places“. Brigitte Autran, newly appointed president at the head of the new Health Risk Monitoring and Anticipation Committee (Covars) which replaces the Scientific Council, presented her recommendations as the eighth wave of Covid-19 is currently hitting France. .

«The eighth wave does not worry us“, she however wanted to clarify, wanting to be reassuring. Guest of Franceinfo this Friday, September 30, this renowned immunologist gave an update on the current health situation and the wave of Covid-19 contamination in France, which she judges “very real».

Public Health France currently counts nearly 42,000 cases of contamination per day, a curve which has been increasing since the beginning of September. Hospitalizations due to Covid-19 are up compared to the previous week, and are close to 15,000, for 789 people hospitalized in critical care.

Masks in public transport, vaccination to protect vulnerable people… Brigitte Autran recommends “model themselves on the Asian populations, who have worn the mask for a very long time, as soon as they have a cold for example“, even adding that”it must become a form of civic gesture.»

A recall campaign will be launched on Monday, October 3, with three new types of vaccine specifically adapted to the Omicron variant. These vaccines, which contain both the first strain of the virus and this year’s variants, “better limit infection and transmission“, explains Brigitte Autran.

Are we going to return to the era of the mandatory mask? “For the moment no“, tempers the president of Covars, who however recommends vigilance. “There’s no specter of a variant villain on the horizon just yet.which couldchange the game“. And to conclude that the situation isextremely monitored, all over the world».

SEE ALSO – The French, tired of the Covid-19?

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