The weather in the city of Kalamata for tomorrow, Sunday 05/05/2024, is forecast to be clear, for most of the day.
During the night hours the sky will be mostly clear, with some sporadic clouds. The day will start and progress with sunshine and a few sporadic clouds.
The temperature will rise and range from 14 up to 23 Celsius degrees.
Humidity will range from 35-80%
The winds will initially blow moderate, from N-NW directions, with an intensity of 3-4 Beaufort, in the early morning hours they will turn to N-NE, with an intensity of 3-4 Beaufort, while wind gusts may reach 5 Beaufort, first midday hours they will turn to S-SE, with an intensity of 2-3 Beaufort, in the midday hours they will strengthen, to 3-4 Beaufort, in the afternoon they will weaken, to 2-3 Beaufort and in the evening they will turn to N-NE directions, with an intensity of 1-2 Beaufort.
The fire danger code for the Prefecture of Messinia will be in category 1 (Low).
Diligence: Kostas Menounos for the