The week of Banco Farmaceutico is starting. ASSOSALUTE is there

by time news

Medication Collection Day

The 22nd edition is reached Drug Collection Day (GRF), initiative from the Banco Farmaceutico Foundationwhich for the third consecutive yearwill last a whole week, from 8 to 14 February.

They will be 5000 community pharmacies which, throughout Italy, also thanks to the valuable work of numerous volunteers, will give citizens the possibility to donate drugs without a prescription – those recognizable thanks to the red dot smiling on the packaging – which will then be donated to people and families in need.

Over 6 million packs of non-prescription drugs have been collected in previous editions of the GRF, of which 468 thousand in 2021 alone. They have benefited beyond 434 thousand people, thanks also to the support of the 1800 Bodies and Associations affiliated with Banco Farmaceutico throughout the country.

Also for this edition, ASSOSALUTE, National self-medication association, part of Federchimica, is proud to renew its support for the initiative, “a precious opportunity – comments the President of the Salvatore Butti Association – “to continue to support the commitment of the Pharmaceutical Bank in taking care of the health needs of all those people who, often without means, have difficulty even in the treatment of the most common ailments, even more so in a complex period such as the one we are experiencing marked , also on the socio-economic level, as well as health, from the Covid-19 pandemic. In the last year, health poverty, as the 9th Report of the Pharmaceutical Bank found, grew by 37.6%, a figure – keep it going Throwthat asks for our active participation, first of all as citizens for citizens ”.

“Contributing to the realization of an event that has been an example of solidarity for many communities throughout Italy – conclude Throw –, represents not only a concrete way per improve health and the well-being of all, especially those most in need, but it is also a way to look to the future with confidence and hope. “

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