The weight of BRICS+ within the new global geostrategic reconfiguration

by time news

As the President of the Republic pointed out, to consolidate its strategic position and be an active player within the BRICS, Algeria must double its GDP by 350/400 billion dollars between 2023/2025, being in 2022 according to the IMF at $193 billion. The data in this contribution use official international data, including that of the IMF and the World Bank, which should specify that to have a more detailed assessment, it is necessary to divide the GDP by the total population, structure the GDP into different activities and quantify the distribution of national income by base layers taking into account the UNDP human development index.

BRICS GDP in 2021 is as follows in descending order:

• China has a GDP of 18,460 billion dollars for a population of 1.4 billion, and reserves of more than 3,300 billion dollars

• India has a GDP of 3250 billion dollars, for a population of 1.4 billion;

• Russia has a GDP of 1750 billion dollars for a population of 143 million;

• Brazil, has a GDP of 1608 billion dollars for a population of 214 million;

• South Africa has a GDP of 420 billion dollars, for a population of 59 million

We have in total for 2021 a BRICS GDP of 25.498 billion dollars, with China accounting for 72.54% of BRICS GDP, being by far the leader within this organization. In total, the BRICS represent 45% of the planet’s population and almost a quarter of its wealth. Paradoxically, having been the source of more than 50% of global economic growth over the past ten years, the BRICS are poorly represented in international organizations.

The group intends to expand with the new 2023 applications according to the formula proposed by China, the BRICS+. New membership is expected at the next BRICS meeting in South Africa, with the latter assuming the presidency since January 1, 2023, taking over from China. According to the volume of GDP and in descending order, the candidates are as follows:

• Mexico has a GDP of 1273 billion dollars and a population of 127 million

• Saudi Arabia has a GDP of 844 billion dollars and a population of 36 million;

• Argentina has a GDP of 487 billion dollars and a population of 46 million;

• Nigeria has a GDP of $441 billion and a population of 213 million;

• the United Arab Emirates has a GDP of 415 billion dollars for a population of 10 million;

• Egypt has a GDP of $404 billion and a population of 110 million;

• Iran has a GDP of 360 billion dollars and a population of 88 million;

• Algeria has a GDP of 163 billion dollars and a population of 44 million inhabitants:

With the new memberships, we will have an increase in population of 674 million inhabitants which is added to those of the BRICS and an addition to the GDP of 6551 billion dollars rising from 25% in 2022 to around 30% of the world GDP. But for the moment between 2022/2023, the USA, and Europe including Great Britain, for less than a billion inhabitants monopolize, out of a world GDP of 100,000 billion dollars in 2022, approximately 40% of the total (see contributions Pr A. Mebtoul – American Herald Tribune US August 2019, in English, Algeria facing new global geostrategic challenges and March 2023 Finantial-Afrik Paris/Dakar, the impact on BRICS international relations) .

What conclusion to draw ? We must be realistic, in the practice of international and especially economic relations, there are no feelings, only interests, the impact within an organization of a country being a function of its economic power. With the impacts of the conflict in Ukraine, the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the new accessions to the BRICS, we should witness a new configuration of international relations, far from the Euro-centrist model, and move towards a multipolar world. The BRICS strategy is to promote co-development, based on respect for the sovereign choice of the political and economic system of each nation and taking into account its history and cultural anthropology. The action of the BRICS has made it possible to raise problems hitherto ignored by the developed countries in an outdated spirit of domination, such as the imbalance of the world economy. It helped promote the idea that there can be no global development without the development and prosperity of the majority of developing countries, proposing to create a global partnership based on productive dialogue through mutual understanding and coordination of efforts between the North and the South in order to solve the many challenges of our world It is to escape the dependence of the hegemony of the dollar that the BRICS have decided to create a new development bank through the contribution of the central banks of the BRICS, part of the foreign currency reserves could also be concentrated by issuing loans on the international financial market, to be used for the development of the BRICS.

source: The Sentinel


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