The West seeks to “divide” Russia, criticizes Putin

by time news

The West is seeking to divide Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted Sunday after more than ten months of military offensive in Ukraine. “Everything is based on the policy of our geopolitical adversaries, who aim to divide Russia, historic Russia,” he denounced in an interview, a short extract of which was broadcast on Russian public television.

“‘Divide and conquer’: they have always tried to do it, they are trying to do it now, but our goal is quite different: to unite the Russian people,” he said. The Russian president had already justified the military intervention in Ukraine on several occasions by the need to bring together Ukrainians and Russians, who would form one and the same people, in his eyes.

According to Vladimir Putin, the Russian army is “moving in the right direction” in Ukraine. “We protect our national interests, the interests of our citizens, of our people,” he assured, while the Russian military offensive has been going on for more than ten months in Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin maintains that he is open to negotiations

Vladimir Putin once again denounced the position of kyiv and its Western allies who “refuse talks”, reaffirming himself “ready to negotiate with all the participants in this process to (obtain) acceptable results”. “We have always endeavored to ensure that any disputes that arise are resolved by peaceful means, through negotiations,” he said.

Asked about the upcoming delivery of a Patriot air defense system from Washington to kyiv, following Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the United States, the Russian president said he was “100%” sure that the Russian army will “destroy” this equipment that the Ukrainian army has been demanding from its American ally for several months.

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