The widow of the head of the Ash HaTorah yeshiva passed away

by time news

Rabbi Dina Weinberg a.h., the widow of Hagaon Rabbi Noah Weinberg zt’l, head of Yeshiva Ash HaTorah, passed away this evening, her funeral will take place at 10:00 pm from her home on Amri Bina Street, Jerusalem

Baruch Dayan the truth: The news came from Jerusalem this evening (Sunday) about the passing of Rabbi Martha Dina Weinberg, the widow of the head of Yeshiva Ash HaTorah, the Gaon Rabbi Noah ztzel and she was 86 years old at the time of her passing.

The late A.H. was a righteous and wise woman, who was very knowledgeable in the words of the Torah. All her life she worked to bring the souls of the people of Israel closer to the Torah and mitzvot with devotion.

Next to her late husband the Gaon Rabbi Noah Weinberg ztzel, the head of the Ash HaTorah Yeshiva, who was one of the pioneers and founders of the Teshuva movement.

She even established a seminary for those who are strong and repentant, and accompanied her students throughout their lives with great dedication.

She had 12 children and left behind hundreds of descendants who follow God’s way.

She used to light candlesticks for all the offspring she had and she was very, very special in the Shabbat mitzvot with respect and dignity.

Her funeral will take place tonight at 10:00 PM from her home at 13 Amri Bina St. in Jerusalem.

May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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