The windows of the National Endowment for the Arts are open to apply for loans and subsidies

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FNA funds can now be managed.

Within the framework of the Impulsar Cultura program of the Institute of Culture, it disseminates and advises on various financing lines of provincial and national organizations as it seeks to strengthen local and regional creative economies through public financing.

Lines of loans and subsidies from the FNA

The National Fund for the Arts announced the reopening of its line of loans (Microcredits and General) and subsidies arranged in two categories: Cultural projects and subsidies for the improvement and adaptation of cultural spaces in the context of a pandemic.

In this way, general loans, intended for individuals, increased by 50% and amount to 1,200,000 pesos payable in 60 installments and microcredits to 350,000 in 36 installments. Subsidies for improvement and adaptation grant up to 600 thousand pesos and cultural projects up to 350,000, and are intended for non-profit civil associations throughout the Argentine territory.

The National Endowment for the Arts loan and grant windows will be open throughout the year.

You can find all the information by clicking on: Loans:; or in Subsidies: ; For inquiries write to [email protected].


The FNA offers loans to artists and managers from all over the country for the development of their artistic activity, whether creating, investing or producing. They can request them: plastic artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, dancers, actors, set designers, theater directors, architects, designers, craftsmen and managers, among others.


Intended exclusively for individuals, the Microcredit line is aimed at financing any stage of the creative process and the realization of a cultural artistic project, whether it is the beginning or the development of specific activities such as study trips, editions, assembly of works , manpower, etc Likewise, it can be used to finance the purchase of equipment, digital tools, musical instruments, purchase of materials, among other destinations.


Personal loans up to $350,000;

Term: up to 36 monthly installments;

Fixed rate: 10% per year (French amortization system);

Regulations, documentation and necessary requirements at:

General Loans

Intended exclusively for individuals, the General Loan line is aimed at financing any stage of the creative process and the realization of a cultural artistic project, whether it is the start or the development of specific activities such as study trips, editions, assembly of works etc. Likewise, it can be used to finance the purchase of equipment, digital tools, musical instruments, and construction materials for the renovation of a property destined for artistic development, among other destinations.


Personal loans of up to $1,200,000;

Term: up to 60 monthly installments;

Fixed rate: 12% per year (French amortization system);


To promote the realization of artistic projects and cultural activities, the FNA grants subsidies to non-profit cultural organizations throughout the country.

They can be requested by civil associations, associations of friends, foundations, popular libraries, work cooperatives, theater and dance cooperatives, cultural centers, cooperatives, unions and non-profit entities with legal status.

Subsidies for cultural projects

The subsidy must be applied to the realization of a specific cultural project. The request can be used both for the financing of artistic-cultural projects, as well as for the payment of fees, acquisition or rental of equipment, materials, supplies, and/or any other expense closely related to a project in question.

Subsidies may not be applied to expenses already incurred, but to expenses that will be made.


Amount: up to 350,000.

Recipients: non-profit civil associations throughout the Argentine territory.

Regulations, instructions and documentation to submit:

Subsidies for the improvement and adaptation of cultural spaces

The subsidy must be applied to the improvement of a cultural space. The request can be used for both infrastructure works and the purchase of equipment closely linked to the improvement of the space.

The destination of the subsidy can be directed to various purposes such as: digitization of spaces, adaptation of facilities to the new health protocols, acquisition and/or installation of health supplies, acquisition and/or installation of equipment (sound, lighting, etc.) , acquisition and/or adaptation of movable property (seats, screens, curtains, posters and signage, etc.), renovation or infrastructure expenses (adaptation of toilets, rooms, dressing rooms, stage, etc.), repair of damage to the structure of the space (ceiling arrangements, plumbing, etc.), fees related to any of the above items, etc.

Subsidies may not be applied to expenses already incurred, but to expenses that will be made.


Amount: up to 600,000.

Recipients: non-profit civil associations throughout the Argentine territory.

Regulations, instructions and documentation to submit:

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