“The withdrawal of love instituted by exclusion is very effective in ‘training’ a child, not in ‘educating’ it”

by time news

VSo here is the new panacea: lock the children in their room. In any case, isolate them, exclude them. It’s the « Time Out » [pratique qui consiste à mettre à l’écart l’enfant (généralement dans sa chambre), pour un temps limité]. « No more than two minutes at 1 year or 2 years »explain to Monde psychologist Caroline Goldman, then the pain becomes “proportional[le] to the child’s transgression”.

The campaign against positive education carried out in France by the right-wing press, Figaro au Point, now obtains the honors of Mondeto favor of an interview which has figured since yesterday at the top of the ” Most read articles “.

Neurological impact

Contrary to what Mr.me Goldman, the method of « Time Out » is far from « fai[re] subject of international scientific consensus.. Research published in 2022 in Pediatric Reportswhich empirically compared the two educational approaches, rightly concluded that the « Time Out » and the effectiveness of positive education.

Likewise, contrary to what she asserted at the Figaroit is simply wrong to say that“no scientific study describes as harmful sending a child to his room” : a study published in 2000 in the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, entitled “Young Children’s Perceptions of Time Out”, for example demonstrated this. We can also find an echo of the concerns of many researchers and psychologists, particularly regarding the neurological impact of « Time Out »in the magazine Time where the Washington Post.

2019 archive: Article reserved for our subscribers “France needs a minister for children, not for child protection”

In short, the « Time Out » is anything but « the object of a consensus international scientist ». Allow me to express here, as a parent, as a citizen and as a philosopher, the very deep concern that this speech arouses in me.

Children, in order to be happy (because we seem to have forgotten that their troubles are always symptoms of ill-being), need five resources which their parents are increasingly cruelly lacking, because of the living conditions which are made in an increasingly abusive economic and social system. These five resources are time, space, sleep, attention and love. Parents constantly stressed and exhausted make children unhappy, therefore more and more susceptible to behavioral problems.

An increasingly violent world

This world that surrounds children is also a world where, very early on, they are projected into the world of screens and social networks. The numbers are frightening. The very serious problems of attention noted by all the educators come from there.

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