“The women’s emergency hotline is available around the clock on public holidays!”

by time news

2023-12-18 09:24:51

WIEN. Everyone wants a harmonious and contemplative Christmas holiday. Unfortunately, reality often looks different. But what happens if an argument breaks out during the quietest time of the year and your partner becomes violent?

The 24-hour women’s emergency number is open around the clock

With the theme “Help is often just a phone call away” on City Lights, the city of Vienna is drawing attention to the women’s emergency hotline over the holidays.

The City of Vienna’s 24-hour women’s emergency hotline can be reached around the clock at 01/71719; email advice is available at [email protected]. Further information at www.frauennotruf.wien.at

Toilet door hangers provide information about emergency numbers

In addition, since the start of the 16 Days Against Violence, door hangers with the emergency numbers and QR codes have been hanging in the toilet facilities of the official buildings and the town hall as well as in public supervised toilet facilities. This means that information about the emergency numbers is as low-threshold as possible – the women’s emergency number, the emergency number of the Vienna women’s shelters and the police emergency number.

Emergency numbers are always available!

It is important: Anyone who perceives violence or is affected by violence: call the police! The Police emergency call is under 133reachable. Both that 24-hour women’s emergency number (01/71719)as well as that Women’s shelter emergency call of the Vienna Women’s Shelters Association (05 77 22) are staffed around the clock. In crises and emergency situations, Vienna’s women’s shelters are, as always, there for those affected by violence.

If you are in an emergency and cannot cope with a difficult situation on your own, you can find the City of Vienna’s offer of help online here:


(press releases)

#womens #emergency #hotline #clock #public #holidays

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