The work of the multipurpose tower of the Hospital of A Corua has been tendered for 35 million euros

by time news

2023-07-10 10:45:00

Recreation of the future multipurpose tower of Novo Chuac C. I. M.

The period for receiving offers ends on August 14, while the options presented will be opened on August 21.

10 jul 2023 . Updated at 10:46 a.m.

The work of the multipurpose tower of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Corua (Chuac) has been tendered this Monday for €35.18 million. The Galician Infrastructure Agency has published the tender this morning, with a deadline for receipt of offers that ends on August 14, while the options presented will be opened on August 21. The maximum value is 31 million euros, which amounts to 35,183,943.13 with taxes excluded and proposes a contract term of 18 months.

The goal is the construction of the multipurpose tower, the first phase of the expansion of the Chuac that must be integrated with the current one. This phase consists of a building measuring 12,639 meters and 16 stories high, basically used as a hotel for patients and administrative areas. The following phases will grow towards the south of this first building. A connection walkway will join this phase and future ones with the existing hospital, says the tender.

The tender for the first works of Novo Chuac, scheduled for June, is a matter of days

T. Rivas

The Xunta had announced this tender last May, for which reason it was pending publication and now it represents the first step in the works in which the A Corua City Council will take care of the road accesses, with a contribution of 22.2 millions of euros. The total investment amounts to about 500 million euros by the Xunta to triple the current area and increase the hospital beds available in Chuac by 15%. The association Platform for People Affected by the Chuac Expansion has been critical of the project from the beginning, understanding that it is not a new hospital like the ones in Santiago, Lugo and Vigo but a patch.

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