The work of the Spanish pig sector to reduce emissions

by time news

2023-11-08 21:05:45

Several pigs, in a file photo.

Manuel Esteve, the president of the white coat pork sector of Cooperatives Agroalimentarias de España, transferred to the European Parliament, during the event held on the challenges of the pig sector and, specifically, on industrial emissions and animal welfare, the work to reduce emissions and promote the circular economy of Spanish pork. In this sense, Esteve indicated that our farmers comply with the emissions directive, as recorded in the latest report from the Ministry of Agriculture, which shows a reduction in the average value of the emission levels associated with each farm.

In Brussels, during his intervention, Esteve highlighted the effort that cooperatives are making to achieve adequate agricultural management of slurry. It is, he pointed out, “one of the most sustainable ways, since cooperatives with the agricultural valorization of slurry and manure, from a collective approach, are a paradigm of circular economy, in which all available resources are used to the maximum. Livestock provides fertilization to the farmer and with this farmer’s cereal we make the feed that will feed our animals. And the cooperatives have taken a further step by setting up plants for the production of biogas”.

animal welfare

Regarding animal welfare, Esteve reiterated to MEPs and members of the European Commission that breeders are the first interested in their animals enjoying the highest levels of well-beingbut always “based on rationality and experience”, and pointed out that “certain future modifications may lead to a deterioration in the welfare of pigs, so it is essential to consult the sector before approving them”.

All the speakers agreed to emphasize that “more European requirements in these areas will cause many companies to close and increase imports from third countries that do not meet the same European production standards, which will harm the environment and animal welfare”.

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