The world of culture mourns Massimo Bertoldi: «He fed on theater» – Bolzano

by times news cr

BOLZANO. Great mourning in the city for the sudden passing away, last Saturday, of Max Bertolditeacher and theatre scholar. A highly regarded theatre critic for our newspaper for years.

A friend to our editorial staff and a signature that was a guarantee for our readers. Sunday, September 1st would have officially been his first day of retirement, and instead not even the most unpredictable of the plots he dealt with for work could have predicted his sudden death the evening before retirement, on Saturday night. At only 66 years old, without ever having had a health problem before.

«The Bolzano Theatre is shocked – says the director Walter Zambaldi – we are all shocked. Massimo, with his expertise, his vitality, his tireless energy and his passion for the theatre, was a pillar of the history, but also of the historiography of the TSB. A lifeblood for the study and literary production linked to the theatrical art. He leaves an unfillable void, his vision and research on the theatre and the protagonists will be greatly missed, but also his light-hearted approach to life, his irony, his ability and pleasure in being among people, his great love for his work as a teacher and for his students».

«With great sorrow, we say goodbye to Massimo – writes the superintendent Vincenzo Gullotta – extraordinary friend and colleague. I fondly remember the moments we shared with him, especially when he was our point of reference for the theater and for the school newspaper in Laives. His passion and dedication inspired us and made us smile. Massimo, your lively spirit and your love for school will always remain in our hearts. You will always be remembered. Rest in peace.

The friend Roberto Rinaldi writes that talking about Massimo is not easy: «Those who knew him and spent time with him like me know this well, both as a colleague but above all as a friend, both of whom had a passion for the theater. He had the innate gift of humility despite being a serious scholar and intellectual, he knew how to listen carefully and welcome reflections on the outcome of a show seen together, without ever trying to impose his ideas on the matter. He nourished himself with theater, having a passion that went beyond the simple function of a reviewer. He knew how to dedicate himself to his passion with meticulous care thanks to his sharp and profound gaze capable of analyzing the dynamics that underlie the staging of a text. With him you could discuss any cultural topic, always ready to question all his beliefs.

Author of two fundamental volumes dedicated to the Teatro Stabile di Bolzano (1950 – 2000 Fifty years of culture and shows) and 70 Teatro Stabile di Bolzano, he was also an author for the magazine “IL CRISTALLO” of Bolzano. He was driven by ideals and the desire to promote a culture that included the possibility of always leaving room for debate, without imposing a preconceived thesis on the reader and listener. He leaves us all a precious legacy that I will personally commit to safeguarding and keeping alive to pass on his thought to those who have not had the fortune and pleasure of knowing him».

At Cristallo, Massimo Bertoldi was one of the closest collaborators of Claudio Nolet, the historical founder of the magazine. Valeria Trevisan – director of the library Claudia Augusta – ideally embraces Massimo: «A special person, an intelligent and cultured friend, what a loss. A hug to Mariaclara, with much affection to the whole family». Antonio Lampis – director of the department of Italian cuktura – remembers «a great historian of the theater, a great humanity, a great loss».

Mark Etiquette – Councilor for Italian-language culture and Vice President of the Province – says he learned with sorrow of the passing of Massimo Bertoldi. “A prominent figure in the cultural and theatrical panorama of Alto Adige. His passion and dedication to the theater leave an unfillable void. Massimo Bertoldi – adds Galateo – was able to enrich the world of culture with his profound knowledge and his tireless activity, contributing significantly to the growth of the Teatro Stabile di Bolzano where he represented a beacon for the Alto Adige artistic community, illuminating every aspect of this world with skill and passion. His cultural legacy will continue to live through his works and the impact he had on generations of theater enthusiasts, who will remember him for his commitment, his wisdom and his great humanity”. Christian Bianchiformer mayor of Laives, now provincial councilor, speaks of «very sad news, for everyone and in particular for our city of Laives, where he had recently finished his long career as a teacher at the Filzi middle school».

Funeral on Friday

Massimo Bertoldi’s funeral will be held on Friday, September 6 at 10:30 in the church of San Domenico. He leaves his wife Mariaclara Pagano and his sons Davide and Alessio. The burial will be at 11:30.

2024-09-06 22:01:30

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