The Xunta opens a new line of aid for Galician musical talent with an investment of €1.2M

by time news

The Xunta publishes today in the Official Gazette of Galicia the announcement and the bases of a new line of subsidies, in a competitive concurrence regime, aimed at Galician musical talent, which will mean a direct economic injection of 1.2 million euros for the promotion and dissemination of professional artistic projects, unprecedented in the sector. This fund is part of the measures that the Galician Government is developing through the Audiovisual Hub of the Cultural Industry, which is now open to music after having already initiated several specific actions for audiovisual and video games.

As the Minister of Culture, Education and University, Román Rodríguez, advanced to a representation of the sector on the 23rd, the opening of this support channel is the result of a dialogue process with the Galician Association of Musical Companies ( AGEM), a group that brings together the main management companies and Galician artistic agencies, with the aim of supporting the entire value chain that allows the promotion of the musical careers of artists who carry out their majority activity in Galicia.

Deadline until June 6

Thus, these subsidies can be requested from tomorrow until June 6 by self-employed professionals or musical companies in Galicia for the development and promotion of soloists and groups as well as collaborative projects between at least four of them.

With this extraordinary call, whose economic scope extends to 2023, a quantitative and qualitative leap is made with respect to previous specific aid for the music sector, mainly aimed at the organization of festivals and record production. On this occasion, the aim is to contribute directly to the promotion of artists in different phases, ranging from the analysis and implementation of tools for the development of musical talent to internationalization, passing through its introduction and consolidation within the industry.

For this purpose, up to 70% of the expenses of each awarded project related to production, commercialization and marketing, promotion and communication, digital distribution, concerts and tours, consultancy and personnel, among others, will be financed.

Two modalities

Two categories of eligible proposals are established: modality A for unitary musical projects around a single artist, whether soloist or group, and modality B for projects around a minimum of four soloists or bands. In the first case, a maximum aid of 40,000 euros per application is set, while in the second this limit rises to 200,000 euros.

Music is thus integrated into the lines of action designed by the Ministry of Culture, Education and University within the framework of its Hub, an extraordinary program that will mean an economic injection of 9.6 million euros into Galician cultural industries until 2023 This investment is being executed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the REACT-EU Axis of the Feder Galicia 2014-2020 Operational Program, as part of the European Union’s response to the covid-19 pandemic.

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