The young children have suffered from neglect and are waiting for a foster family

by time news

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Looking for a foster family for children who are suffering from neglect after the single mother has fallen ill.

The kindergarten teacher reports that the daughter (4 years old) arrives at the kindergarten hungry and with dirty diapers.

The baby son has not yet started talking. And they need a foster family to raise them with each other.

Can you give children a stable framework?

An emergency foster care is a period of three to six months in which families are asked to receive at short notice children who have been evicted from their homes by emergency orders due to injury and immediate risk situations – and need immediate protection. During the Corona period there was a shortage of such families.

The lives of the young children – to this day have been difficult, they have suffered from neglect and long for a warm family to raise them.

The 4-year-old girl is captivating, but sad and suffers from speech delay. Her brother is a cute, active and vital baby who loves to make eye contact and smile at those around him. He has a slight motor delay, and has not yet started walking or talking.

Attempts to find a new home for them have so far failed because the goal is to allow them to live together in the same home – a condition that not every family can afford.

The mother loves them very much, but does not work and suffers from various medical problems that make it difficult for her to function in daily life. She suffers from great weakness and fatigue and unexplained. Her condition makes it very difficult for her to get up at night for the baby and give the two children regular care. Many attempts by the Department of Social Services to integrate it into various support programs have failed.

The siblings need a supportive and loving home environment that can provide them with a beneficial environment for normal development, as well as maintaining contact with the mother and father.

Tali Halaf, CEO of Orr Shalom, says –

“The story of these children is just one of many stories of waiting for home, a supportive environment, warmth and especially a normative and optimal life. We call on more families to open their hearts and give these children a stable framework that will allow them to grow and develop. I believe with all my heart, and even know from acquaintance “With foster families, the act of foster care has long been a mutual contribution, satisfaction and enormous significance for both the child and the foster family, despite the challenge involved.”

An emergency foster care is a period of three to six months in which families are asked to receive at short notice children who have been evicted from their homes by emergency orders due to injury and immediate risk situations – and need immediate protection. During the Corona period there was a shortage of such families.

During the year, 10 families joined the pool of emergency foster families, so today there are a total of 35 emergency foster families in the country. The ambition is to reach about 50 such families throughout the country, in all sectors of society “

Those interested should contact 8936 * or at

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